emaa rose

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since Mar 30, 2009
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Recent posts by emaa rose

Thanks for your advice Eric. I will also keep in mind to do something personal that I can showcase as my portfolio for future.
15 years ago
I have been asked to get some sample code as a part of paperwork for my job interview. I am a little confused on what to take with me. All the code that I had was for my employers that is proprietary information...

Has anyone been asked for sample code before? What did you take with you?
15 years ago
I finally figured out the directory structure and could go past the first deployment of servlet
Thanks, I finally figured out the problem. A typing mistake;


I had

My problem is in creating the exact same directory structure as the book using Eclipse. I am somewhat familiar with the IDE as I have worked on it for over a year and would really want to use it instead of command line.

When I create a new server and add a project to it, the folders for the server are also created in my workspace. The book says that all the folders, web.xml and the class file should be created in the original folder where Tomcat was installed.

Please let me know if my question is not clear enough.
In that case how did you build the directory structure to mimic the one in the book. Also, I have made a new project beerV1 as a dynamic web application, is that correct?
I was just curious to find out if using Eclipse is a good idea for working on the tutorials in this book? There are places that where the book talk about command line.

PS: apologize if this question is not posted in the right forum. I was not sure if I should post it in the IDEs forum as this does relate to the HFSJ for SCWCD.

I am in the Chapter 3 of HFSJ (Page 81). I am trying to deploy and test my first servlet(I am using Eclipse as the IDE and Tomcat V6 as my container).

When I launch my browser(firefox) and try to access the form.html I can access it fine. But when I click on submit, I see multiple tabs opening on their own and I have to terminate the process for firefox. I checked my code and it looks similar to the one in the book (unless I am overlooking something)

I was wondering if anyone has encountered this before? If yes, what did you do to correct it?

Sorry I posted this in the wrong place...
I am learning to program using the Head First Servlets and JSP book. A tutorial in Ch3 requires that I write my servlet and deploy it. I have a class SelectBeer.class in my com.example.web package. And a web.xml in the web_inf folder of the package. I do not have these files in my Server folder (I am using Tomcat V6). When I try to recreate the exact folder structure in Tomcat Server in Eclipse I am unable to do so.

Any tips or pointers will be helpful.
Is there is a forum where we could get support if we get stuck in the the Head First Servlets and JSPs? I am an entry level programmer and feel I could benefit from a support group for this book.

15 years ago