Michal Plutynski

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since Mar 01, 2012
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Recent posts by Michal Plutynski

this is very interesting question. Can you please tell me what are your criterias for sorting? Should numbers be before letters?
11 years ago
i think you should check out this tool http://sourceforge.net/projects/javaocr/
11 years ago
please tell us if this answer is ok for you, or you want to calculate smallest price for 1 square meter? and then sort collection
11 years ago
I'm not sure if this will help in you case, but please check out this tool: http://jsmooth.sourceforge.net/
11 years ago
ok. i answered too fast

the problem is about method Class.forName(...), bacause the return type is Class<?> and what you need is typed class (Class<T>).

the solution is to use:
getToolkit().createDragGestureRecognizer(MouseDragGestureRecognizer.class, source, this, dragAction, listener);

I found the orginal code on internet with this code. My suggestion is to check which Java version the code refers to, this code was created around 1999 - so it is very old!
Try to find some examples of Java 7.
11 years ago
first suggestion - try to check is "MousedragGestureRecognizer" is correct name. Maybe it should be "MouseDragGestureRecognizer"?
11 years ago
can you please format your code well, because it has wrong brace brackets.

And the main question is how and where do you creates your 'formbean'? Maybe you use only one instance of this object in all rows?
11 years ago
Hi all,
It is an old topic, but I want to re-ask the same question.

Can anyone give a link to good JavaFX tutorial (with complete examples)? The best tutorial for me would be 'JavaFX with Eclipse'.
11 years ago
Do not 'eat' the exception. Maybe throw 'Exception e' to the console, then you will find out what is the problem or just post your exception here.
12 years ago
Could you give and example of file you are using (openFile.txt)?
12 years ago
try to use some IDE. It will be very helpful for beginner.

the problem is in your methods :

i'm sure that was just a typo. Use '{' instead of ';' next to methods names.

12 years ago
In my opinion there is a problem with teaching 'programming' in schools. They never tell you how to deal with problems, how to find out what is an exact cause of a problem. They do not teach you how to debug
From my experience, beginners need more words then only 'stack trace'.

Sorry for that sarcasm in my first reply.
12 years ago
Of course Campbell is right, but maybe (only for learning purpouses) we can stay with array of arrays.
Please take a look here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html - there is nice "MultiDimArrayDemo" example.

The next step will be to check here: docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Scanner.html
there are also nice example of using Scanner methods.

Then try to correct your code and when you have more problems just put your code here and write what are your exceptions.

12 years ago
maybe it is not common here but I will try to help you.

your problem is here:

as you can see your i will have values 2,52,20 in first 'rowworker'. And you are trying to get aRow[2], aRow[52], aRow[20].

I think that should give you a good idea where is a problem with that code.

I think the good idea will be to read more about 'for-each loop'.

12 years ago