Arie Morgenstern

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since Oct 30, 2012
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Recent posts by Arie Morgenstern

Using JDeveloper, I created a Web Service Proxy project to consume a WSDL. Doing so downloaded/created a bunch of Java classes.
After some finishing touches, I ran it inside JDeveloper and it works.

Some of the code uses a class called SecurityPolicyFeature. And for learning purposes, I am curious how it "sees" that class.
I added:

It told me where the JAR is:

The thing I don't understand is, how does it "see" ws.api_1.1.0.0.jar?
Its not in my Windows environment variable classpath.
When the project was setup (through a JDeveloper Wizard for Web Proxies) it apparently loaded some JAR files as libraries. But, ws.api_1.1.0.0.jar is not one of them.
Some of the JAR files that are attached as libraries have a file like: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
I gather that MANIFEST.MF can have CLASSPATH variables pointing to other JAR files?

How can I tell if one of these MANIFEST.MF files points to the ws.api_1.1.0.0.jar? Or worse, a MANIFEST.MF points to a JAR with a MANIFEST.MF, which points to a JAR with a MANIFEST.MF, etc, etc, until finally it points to ws.api_1.1.0.0.jar?
How does one untangle the web?

8 years ago
I am trying to add a ReturnListener to a RichCommandButton in Oracle ADF. RichCommandButton inherits the method addReturnListener from UIXCommand. It also has getReturnListener and setReturnListener. But, I just cannot get it to work.

Does anyone have any experience with this?
I am not sure the direction I should take to dynamically create and add a ReturnListener to a CommandButton.

If you do not have any suggestions for the above, possibly you could help with this:
I have an inline class, as pasted below:

It compiles. But, when I run it, I get this:

Any help would be appreciated, because I'm alittle over my head.

11 years ago
I logged into the Weblogic Server Console.
Went to Home Page >> Domain Configurations >> Your Deployed Resources >> Deployments.

On the Deployment page there is a button called "Install".
After pressing the button you are brought to the "Install Application Assistant" page.

Here was the thing I did not know. I thought you could only deploy WAR or EAR from this page. It appears you can also deploy a folder too.
I just pointed it to the unzipped JForum folder, and its up and running.

11 years ago
Thanks Jeanne.
It appears I asked the second question poorly though.
Regarding "force Adminstrator moderation of new users" -- what I was wondering was if when a new user registers, can the forum be set that the new user is not active until a Moderator activates the user.

Thank you regarding the first one -- I got that set.
11 years ago
How do you manage users in JForum?

In particular, I would like to do two things:
- allow posts by only registered users.
- force Administrator moderation of new users.

Can this be done?

11 years ago
I can't believe it, I figured it out!
11 years ago
I am wondering if anyone can help me with deploy instructions for jForum to a weblogic server.
See install instructions from

In this section is shown how to configure and install JForum using the Web Wizard interface. It is assumed that you have some knowledge on how to install/configure a Java servlet container (or already have one up and running), and the database is properly configured.



After the download, unpack the .ZIP file into your webapp's directory (or anyplace you want to put it). A directory named JForum- will be created, where is the version, which may be "2.0", "2.1.7" etc... this it just for easy version identification.

You can rename the directory if you want. The next step you should do is register the JForum application within your Servlet Container, like Tomcat. This document will use the context name "jforum", but of course you can use any name you want.

Unfortunately, my Weblogic knowledge is quite limited (I am working on it though), and so I do not know

you have some knowledge on how to install/configure a Java servlet container

Can you help me with a set of instructions?

11 years ago

Do any of those IDEs have a drag/drop visual type editor for jsf or jsp pages like jdeveloper? Because I couldn't find that feature in netbeans, and it surprised me.

I appreciate the link. The problem is a quote from further in the license agreement:

We grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use the Components and the Oracle WebLogic Server only for the purpose of developing a single prototype of your application for your internal business operations, and not for any other purpose. If you want to use the application you develop using the Components, or the Oracle WebLogic Server, for any internal data processing or for any commercial or production purposes you must contact us, or an Oracle reseller, to obtain the appropriate license.

Looks like its free to try, but need to buy to make production code.

As I am learning about Java EE, many tutorials are using Netbeans/glassfish as the IDE. But what does the landscape of IDEs look like?

For instance, I know JDeveloper has a WYSIWYG editor for the web pages of a data driven web based enterprise application. But, I don't know what JDeveloper's licensing is?
I know Netbeans/glassfish is free and open sourced, but I can only find code/text editors for its web pages. I am surprised to conclude that Netbeans does not have a WYSIWYG editor. Am I wrong?
I know about Eclipse, but I am not sure how it compares to the others.

Would anyone be willing to explain the overall picture of IDEs for Java EE technologies? Or possibly recommend a link that is still relevant? (With the changes in Netbeans and JDeveloper, anything older than 2011 is too old).


Thanks for the welcome. I don't have someone around me to ask (at times) boneheaded questions, so I hope the Ranch gives me the space for it. Unfortunately, I am too green to contribute back at this time.

So, it is convention, a pre-agreed upon format if you will, that takes the Class Hello, and converts it into 'hello' in Expression Language. I would assume then, that if I deviated from Java's convention and called the class 'hello' instead of 'Hello', EL would get lost?
Second followup, you say EL takes '' and uses the getter and setter. So, it has nothing to do with the Java attribute being declared private or public? But, may I assume then that if I deviated from Java's convention, and called the getter method getTheName, then EL would be lost?

If my assumptions are correct, then I find this quite interesting. The whole technology of JavaBeans/JSF Pages, etc., is based on Java syntax conventions that are not enforced by the compiler. Is that accurate?

I thank you for your discussion on the phases, I have allot of reading to do in that area yet.
What I was wondering though, was if both EL expressions are #{}, how does it know to use the getter in one instance and a setter in the other instance. It makes perfect sense to me, but what in the code tells the ... the ... server, I guess ... to use the getter vs. the setter?

Thank you very much,

I am working through the Java EE Tutorial document javaeetutorial.pdf, and have a question regarding one of their simpler EE Project.
This is my first post to JavaRanch, so I am not positive on the etiquette. I will post the question, and the associated code.

The Java managed bean is quite simple, and the xhtml files are simple too. But, I am confused with the Expression Language found in the xhtml files. It says #{}.
Is Expression Language not case sensitive?
How does it interface with the attribute "name" when name is "private"?
Lastly, I am to assume one xhtml file is setting the attribute name, and the other is getting it. But, the Expression Language is the same #{}. How does that work?

Thanks so much for any help!