kahkean chor

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 26, 2013
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Recent posts by kahkean chor

hi E Armitage thanks for your help , do you have any third party library or tutorials to let me refer?
8 years ago
ohh noted. how if monitor a desktop application rather than application server?
8 years ago
is application server. can give some advises?
8 years ago
hi ,sorry i am new to jmx so i need advises from you guys..
what should i do if i want develop an application which monitor another application over the network(through internet)?
webservices or rmi? so far i not able to monitor locally by using rmi...thanks in advanced
8 years ago
sorry 1 more question to ask ,why we have to do the configuration on iso8583?
get it thanks bro
hi all,i having dificulty on creating a system for monitoring the server.for now,i only know that jmx can used for check the applications that run on jvm.i dun have the idea on how the server can send the information for its current cpu usage,memory,instant access and so on to the pc which monitoring on it....can someone give me some guidances .thanks
oh sorry, i dint stated my problem clearly.actually i not understand why we need drag and drop for configuring the iso8583
hi everyone,i have to apply iso8583 for my final year project, so far i only know it is a financial protocol .however my final year project stated that i have to make the iso8583(xml) configuration easy with a drag-and-drop GUI library...
i really have no idea on it,can someone explain more briefly for me?thanks in advanced
ok thanks bro for your instant reply
9 years ago
hi i am new to spring framework...may i knw it is a framework for developing a web application or desktop application?
btw i still got 2 question is jsf a framework also? can oracle database free to download..
thanks in advanced
9 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Please don't ask two different questions in the same post.

The tag means that the page is assumed to be encoded using UTF-8.

With regards to the blue, it's at 50% opacity because you set it to be so -- opacity is inherited from its container. If that's not what you want, don't set the opacity.


ohh sorry....so what should i do if i don't want the titleBar inherit from the content?
hello guys,i am new with css ....can anyone give the solution for the problem i am facing?

i don't wan the blue become transparent and what wrong with my code?

#titlebar is my blue color div
#content is my white color div

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> < - what does this sentence mean?
anyone can give me the solution on how to change the background for jdesktoppane in Netbean>thanks in advanced
10 years ago
this is my query pstmtLastPk = furnitureSystemDB.prepareStatement("SELECT LAST(id) FROM salesorder;");
others table work well,just only this table sometimes return wrong value~