N Frey

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since Jul 27, 2013
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I have 7.5 years of experience and had a Sr. Software Engineer title prior to staying home. Does that help? My babysitter would make $15/hr. I've seen jobs go for $10/hr. That is incredibly low.

Bear Bibeault wrote:You haven't said anything about your previous experience level.

10 years ago
Do people actually find freelance work that pays well enough? I have looked at the freelancing sites and most jobs pay less than $20/hr and expect quick turnaround. For someone who is home with the kids (i.e. stay at home mom trying to get experience) and has very little time to work on these assignments, how can they justify doing something for so little? That was my opinion. I would need to pay for a babysitter so that I could concentrate long enough to get the work done and I am in the same boat as Courtney (SAHM for 2.5 years) and am studying for my certification. I was thinking I might participate in an open source project, but I am concentrating on the certification first. I am wondering what you decided to do, Courtney.

Deepak Bala wrote:Certification do help. Open source projects and freelancing are great ways you can get started. Freelancing jobs are especially great when you want to get short bursts of work for yourself and get a feel for what you want to do.

Lookup odesk and other freelancing sites out there

10 years ago
I agree that this question is confusing. I ended up choosing a conditional and expression statement, but you are correct that we should only need the expression statement. I sure hope they don't have confusing questions like this on the exam!