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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Ruby on Rails or the joy of instant feedback. 3 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Netbeans UML Support discontinued since 6.7 what did you switch to ? 1 Mihai Lihatchi
Eduardo YaƱez Parareda
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
The end of the human car driver is near ? 12 Mihai Lihatchi
Allan A Peak
Meaningless Drivel
Passed SCEA .. finally 13 Mihai Lihatchi
Peter Sin
Certification Results
Justifying the need for a laptop and buying a used one 3 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Meaningless Drivel
Ruby for prototyping 1 Mihai Lihatchi
David Newton
Component diagram is a HIGHER level view of the system. 2 Mihai Lihatchi
sivan jai
Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
"Coders at Work" and Cargo Cult Programming 2 Mihai Lihatchi
Peter Seibel
Jobs Discussion
Is JSF technology the EJB 2.0 of the web? 8 Mihai Lihatchi
Tom Fulton
IBM Certified Solution Designer information 2 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Product and Other Certifications
OCA 9i resources 5 Mihai Lihatchi
Chris Hendy
Product and Other Certifications
Constant Data Manager pattern 7 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
About design patterns & open source frameworks 6 Mihai Lihatchi
Peer Reynders
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
Passed SCBCD 92 % 6 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Certification Results
Worklow /BPM certification 0 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Product and Other Certifications
Passed SCWCD1.4 86% 17 Mihai Lihatchi
Christopher Baldoza
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD)
SCBCD 1.3 voucher is more expensive by 50 $? 7 Mihai Lihatchi
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
Weblogic 8.1 with Weblogic Integration 8.5 and HTTPS - out of memory error 4 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Struts coverage in HFSJ 2 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD)
Preparation time 2 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD)
Passed SCJP 1.4 4 Mihai Lihatchi
Mihai Lihatchi
Certification Results
Is this code 212-035 ok for SCJP1.4 ? 3 Mihai Lihatchi
vasu mannem
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)