JPA 2.0 - good and up-to-date tutorial
2 |
Ismael Upright
Alexandr Dudko
Object Relational Mapping |
Why negative integers are so nasty in binary?
3 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Java in General |
Searching for GUI(?) pattern to display the same set of graphic elements in various ways
0 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
"Removing a detached instance" exception while updating the entity
2 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Object Relational Mapping |
SWT: Adding new icon to Title Bar
2 |
Ismael Upright
Rob Spoor
Swing / AWT / SWT |
Customizing View Title Area
3 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Swing / AWT / SWT |
SWT - different height in table rows
0 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Swing / AWT / SWT |
Positioning the column in the table
3 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
'new' operator vs updating database
7 |
Ismael Upright
Paul Sturrock
Object Relational Mapping |
Not-unique unique column
23 |
Ismael Upright
Mark Spritzler
Object Relational Mapping |
Searching row in database by a column which is not a primary key
14 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Object Relational Mapping |
Eclipse log4j update site
23 |
Ismael Upright
chris ho
Other IDEs, Version Control |
log4j in Eclipse as plugin
6 |
Ismael Upright
Eren Aykin
Other IDEs, Version Control |
Disconnecting with Squirrel
3 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Other IDEs, Version Control |
Defining 2 separate databases in persistence.xml
3 |
Ismael Upright
Cameron Wallace McKenzie
Object Relational Mapping |
2 Composites in 1 - how to set their sizes? (RCP application)
1 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Swing / AWT / SWT |
Derby Embedded vs. Derby Network Server
7 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Other Open Source Projects |
RUP - creating documentation
2 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Agile and Other Processes |
Easy question about connecting characters
9 |
Ismael Upright
Uma Bandaru
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
How to name ManyToMany table and ManyToOne column?
2 |
Ismael Upright
Cameron Wallace McKenzie
Object Relational Mapping |
EJB 2.1 and 3.0 in the same application
1 |
Ismael Upright
Travis Dixon
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies |
1..n and 0..n mapping
2 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Object Relational Mapping |
Serialization without creating the file
2 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Java in General |
Deep copy of complicated object
6 |
Ismael Upright
Paul Clapham
Java in General |
Some doubts about ActionBazaar sample application
1 |
Ismael Upright
Koji Muramoto
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
EJB 3.0 in Action examples in Eclipse
9 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Ant 1.7.1 installation
2 |
Ismael Upright
Jelle Klap
Other Build Tools |
EJB 4?
5 |
Ismael Upright
Hong Anderson
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
EJB and JavaBeans
7 |
Ismael Upright
Shahnawaz Shakil
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Books, books, books.. Mastering EJB 3.0
15 |
Ismael Upright
John Stone
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Generics compendium
4 |
Ismael Upright
Prem Vinodh
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
After the exam..
1 |
Ismael Upright
Deepak Bala
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
The capacity of float and double
3 |
Ismael Upright
Jesper de Jong
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Messaging in Java
10 |
Ismael Upright
Bert Bates
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Integers near zero
3 |
Ismael Upright
Deepak Bala
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
2 |
Ismael Upright
Jesper de Jong
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
short and Integer
11 |
Ismael Upright
Jesper de Jong
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
3 |
Ismael Upright
Jesper de Jong
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
7 |
Ismael Upright
Ismael Upright
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Private member accessible to other Objects..
1 |
Ismael Upright
Stevi Deter
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |