generics - incompatible types
11 |
Ilja Preuss
Mr. C Lamont Gilbert
Java in General |
[JavaHelp] Changing Favorites Tooltip
1 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Other JSE/JEE APIs |
Your favorite adoption pattern?
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
InfoQ article on Java Hotspot performance
4 |
Ilja Preuss
Pat Farrell
Performance |
"Behind Closed Doors"?
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
font family of empty DefaultStyledDocument
26 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Swing / AWT / SWT |
Manual vs. automatic CI
3 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
setting URLStreamHandlerFactory from webapp in Tomcat
3 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Tomcat |
code vs. design
1, 2
45 |
Ilja Preuss
Travis Berthelot
Agile and Other Processes |
What do you mean by discipline?
10 |
Ilja Preuss
Marc Peabody
Agile and Other Processes |
Agility & Discipline Made Easy: People factors?
8 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
Coolest dog in the world
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Gregg Bolinger
Meaningless Drivel |
Hibernate 3.1.3: many-to-one mapping with property-ref to formula
8 |
Ilja Preuss
Mark Spritzler
Object Relational Mapping |
"The Perverse Nature of Performance Tuning"
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Performance |
generics and class literals
9 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Java in General |
Agility: formality vs. discipline
12 |
Ilja Preuss
Gerardo Tasistro
Agile and Other Processes |
Java vs. .NET - with data!
5 |
Ilja Preuss
Mike Kevin
Jobs Discussion |
Attention: book promotion etiquette
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
FAQ: BackgroundImageOnJPanel missing call to super?
1 |
Ilja Preuss
Michael Dunn
Swing / AWT / SWT |
@Overrides blues
4 |
Ilja Preuss
Ernest Friedman-Hill
Java in General |
Organizational changes for a growing team
9 |
Ilja Preuss
Neil B. Harrison
Agile and Other Processes |
comparing software development to other disciplines
8 |
Ilja Preuss
Lasse Koskela
Agile and Other Processes |
Handling Fatalism
1 |
Ilja Preuss
Stan James
Agile and Other Processes |
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Questions with no answers and all URGENT posts |
Tips on getting low-cost airfare?
15 |
Ilja Preuss
Helen Thomas
Meaningless Drivel |
"Appealing to Your Learning Style"
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Teachers' Lounge |
Fowler on DTOs
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
Book review is now online
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
semantic of synchronization
5 |
Ilja Preuss
Daniel Mayer
Threads and Synchronization |
TheServerSide.com - article on Tiger
1 |
Ilja Preuss
Gian Franco
Java in General |
Microsofts take on MDA
0 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
Manufactoring vs. Design
8 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
Mission-Critical Development With XP & Agile Processes
7 |
Ilja Preuss
Rick Hightower
Agile and Other Processes |
Anti-Pattern: Anemic Domain Model
12 |
Ilja Preuss
Kyle Brown
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
Funny overview over methodologies
2 |
Ilja Preuss
HS Thomas
Agile and Other Processes |
NullPointerException in Wiki? (ANIL)
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Frank Carver
Ranch Office |
Is Simple Design sufficient?
8 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |
Lean Software Development
1 |
Ilja Preuss
Frank Carver
Agile and Other Processes |
"Squeakers" film
9 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Teachers' Lounge |
XP and inexperienced teams
2 |
Ilja Preuss
Ilja Preuss
Agile and Other Processes |