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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
generated WSDL through wsgen and REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL 7 Sagar Kale
Ivan Krizsan
Web Services
How to learn WS*? 9 Sagar Kale
Ivan Krizsan
Web Services
Why StAX is spelled this way 2 Sagar Kale
Luke Murphy
XML and Related Technologies
How should I prepare for SCEA 3 Sagar Kale
Andrew Monkhouse
Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
Querying from inheritance hierarchy 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Object Relational Mapping
How to destroy Spring Application Context? 4 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Showing spring datatype in RationalRose class diagram 3 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Other Java Products
Installing free Sybase 15.0.3 ASE on CentOS Linux 5.3 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
JBOSS 5.1 cluster configuration on CentOS 5.3 linux 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
J2EE application in cluster enviormnent. 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
@Resource name and mappedName 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Object Relational Mapping
Can not configure EntityManagerFactory from persistence unit. 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Object Relational Mapping
JAX-WS WSDL problem. 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Web Services
JAX-WS in web application. 4 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Web Services
SOAP knowledge for JAX-WS Learning. 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Web Services
MySQL GUI Client on Linux 10 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Install weblogic 11g on CentOs 1 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
List of checkboxes and Array/ArrayList data binding not working. 1 Sagar Kale
Hong Anderson
Security for JMS destination 4 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
How to configure weblogic so that it will log all sql statements sent to database. 3 Sagar Kale
Deepak Bala
weblogic 8.1 , Oracle sequence problem. 1 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
weblogic 9 JNDI lookup problem for JMS connection factory and topic 6 Sagar Kale
Deepak Bala
Websphere application server community edition 2.1.3 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
WSDL knowledge. 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Web Services
<ejb-local-ref > doubt 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Spring JTA transaction manager JBOSS 4 Sagar Kale
Abel Ferreira
HQL not selecting data added through backend 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Object Relational Mapping
Spring Web Flow 2 Web Development [Book] 7 Sagar Kale
Amit Ghorpade
Which AJAX framework? 9 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
JSF basic question. 7 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
log4j JDBCAppender with Oracle problem 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Other Open Source Projects
Learning Hibernate Annotations 2 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Object Relational Mapping
Axis2 handlers/modules tutorial 0 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Web Services
Software Pipelines and SOA: Releasing the Power of Multi-Core Processing Book 1 Sagar Kale
Vyas Sanzgiri
Web Services
Are spring beans thread-safe? 6 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
Interview question 12 Sagar Kale
Joe San
Jobs Discussion
Tool to generate xml schema from xml file 4 Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
XML and Related Technologies
Does committing transaction closes session? 6 Sagar Kale
naveen putrevu
Object Relational Mapping
what exactly meant by JPA? 3 Sagar Kale
James Sutherland
Object Relational Mapping
Learning EJB3 2 Sagar Kale
aleem khan
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies