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  • Stephan van Hulst
  • Tim Holloway
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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Changing log4j version gives error in Session class. WHy? 8 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Holloway
Java in General
What will happen if i pass query to executeUpdate of prepared statment 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Stephan van Hulst
Java in General
Exception while connecting to mailbox in java 10 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Moores
Java in General
Issue in iterating over a list in thymeleaf 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Rob Spoor
Problem in accessing classes from a jar file 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Norm Radder
Beginning Java
How do I track failures while sending mail using Java? 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Holloway
Does consumer of web service needs to change if the webservice is migrated to https from http? 4 Yogesh Gandhi
Stephan van Hulst
Web Services
How to Call a web service from behind a firewall/Proxy 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Holloway
Web Services
How do I access the variable of iterator in struts2 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Can I use struts 2 Action and struts 1 JSP file? 4 Yogesh Gandhi
Joe Ess
NoClassFoundError on websphere 3 Yogesh Gandhi
Paul Clapham
How to migrate portlets from Struts1 to Struts2? 0 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Getting error in newly created web application in web.xml 6 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Holloway
Getting error in Dynamic web project 0 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Which jar file contains org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletWindow in websphere? 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Help needed in fixing SQL Injection 9 Yogesh Gandhi
Rob Spoor
JDBC and Relational Databases
Unresolved Compilation Problem 7 Yogesh Gandhi
Tim Moores
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Problem accessing @Autowired object from another reference 0 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
What is wrong with @Async 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Jesper de Jong
Java in General
Difference in output between toString and REST webservice 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Bear Bibeault
Web Services
What's wrong in this PL/SQL function, its not working 5 Yogesh Gandhi
chris webster
JDBC and Relational Databases
Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting 0 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
filter fails on Internet Explorer 7 Yogesh Gandhi
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
How to read timestamp of a file present inside a ZIP/JAR/WAR file in java? 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Campbell Ritchie
Java in General
input.match(pattern) fails on IE 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
How to make the WSDL URL configurable? 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Sudhindra Bhargav
Web Services
Problem using jsp:include 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Spring + Hibernate : Attempt to restart an already started EhCacheProvider 4 Yogesh Gandhi
Jayesh A Lalwani
Object is getting updated without the use of merge 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Jana reddyMadam
Object Relational Mapping
not able to add elements to TreeSet, but able to add same element to HashSet 33 Yogesh Gandhi
Winston Gutkowski
Java in General
Design behind "Money management softwares?" 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Jeanne Boyarsky
Problem understanding forward tag in struts-config.xml 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Problem reading mesage from MQ - 2033 1 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: UserEntity is not mapped 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Object Relational Mapping
Why commit should not be written in procedures being called from Java? 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Martin Vashko
Java in General
Identify the name of the design pattern being used 0 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Beginning Java SSLSocketFactory is null. This can occur if 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Guillaume Barry
Web Services
Discussion about Design approach being used in product companies 13 Yogesh Gandhi
E Armitage
Beginning Java
Difference Tags of Input XML sent and that recieved on the server 5 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Web Services
Need info about deployment descriptors required on IBM websphere for webservice 2 Yogesh Gandhi
Yogesh Gandhi
Web Services