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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
All Java projects must use main method? 11 André Asantos
Shine Tom
Beginning Java
Selenium versus Applet - Who wins? 3 André Asantos
Matthew Brown
Java in General
Does anybody know Selenium (automation testing)? I am looking for people 3 André Asantos
Daniel Hinton
WebSphere platform - Does anybody use it? 10 André Asantos
Anton Shaikin
What is the concept of TestNG @DataProvider? 3 André Asantos
Jeanne Boyarsky
Could you post an exemple using Jakarta Commons Compress? 1 André Asantos
Rob Spoor
I/O and Streams
Compress .zip using Java 18 André Asantos
André Asantos
Java in General
Which are the different between GZIPInputStream to ZipInputStream? 3 André Asantos
Jesper de Jong
Java in General
howto return JSON data into struts.xml? 3 André Asantos
Joe Ess
JPA - Detached Object to persist - Any exemple? 7 André Asantos
Arun Kumarr
Object Relational Mapping
What's JBoss JBPM's stable version is better to use? 2 André Asantos
André Asantos
Help generating JSON data - I am using FlexJSON lib 7 André Asantos
Jesper de Jong
Java in General
Eclipse's re-publish does not work 5 André Asantos
Joe carco
Other IDEs, Version Control
Generate thumbnails into application context WebContent - Error the system could not found the path 0 André Asantos
André Asantos
Java in General
Dinamic upload like Gmail 1 André Asantos
Jesper de Jong
Java in General
I am using EXTjs - Get a id before loading the tab and send that to Java Action 0 André Asantos
André Asantos
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Populate many images from a Blob to a .JSP 1 André Asantos
Bear Bibeault
JSONException returning/populating images 0 André Asantos
André Asantos
Java in General
FileUpload - Very difficult to import a image file 1 André Asantos
André Asantos
HOWTO from Byte Array to Original Image Conversion? 1 André Asantos
André Asantos
File upload use Struts2, File class 2 André Asantos
André Asantos
FileUpload using Struts2 1 André Asantos
David Newton
The hashCode() e equals() methods was overriden 4 André Asantos
Seetharaman Venkatasamy
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
Private Constructor? Why I would want one? 5 André Asantos
André Asantos
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
Java's Inner Classes - Does those Help or is better Avoid those? 4 André Asantos
Shanky Sohar
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
Try to understando generic methods 2 André Asantos
Virendrasinh Gohil
Beginning Java
Using System class 7 André Asantos
Dieter Quickfend
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
Basic - Using Object's getClass() method 4 André Asantos
Rob Spoor
Beginning Java
simple doubt - Java logic using false and true 7 André Asantos
David Newton
Beginning Java
Significant different between == and equals()? 11 André Asantos
Dieter Quickfend
Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
MySQL problems during retore by dumping 3 André Asantos
Paul Clapham
JDBC and Relational Databases
Creating Struts's Action 3 André Asantos
David Newton
Do cast from int to short 5 André Asantos
Jesper de Jong
Beginning Java
difference between JasperReports, iReport, iText and JFreeChart 7 André Asantos
David Newton
Java in General
Which different between iReport and JasperReports? 2 André Asantos
Rob Spoor
Java in General
Validate ID through RegEx 6 André Asantos
Rob Spoor
Beginning Java
LinkedList's methods does not appear 5 André Asantos
Campbell Ritchie
Java in General
The changes on Java 6 comparing to Java 5 1 André Asantos
Paul Clapham
Java in General
Java's code conversions - How could I name a boolean variable? 2 André Asantos
André Asantos
Beginning Java
Difficults using Iterator 4 André Asantos
David Newton
Beginning Java