State of JVMs
0 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Performance |
State of Shenandoah and other new GC algorithms
0 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Performance |
Is FlameGraph useful for performance tuning ?
0 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Performance |
Elastic mesos cluster
1 |
Luan Cestari
Roger Ignazio
Cloud/Virtualization |
Mesos Framework Ecosystem
2 |
Luan Cestari
Roger Ignazio
Cloud/Virtualization |
Java 8 Pocket Guide - Did you have to remove any chapter due the size of the book?
2 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Lambdas and Streams |
Algorithms and implementations
1 |
Luan Cestari
Sean Owen
Other Open Source Projects |
About the project you need to to for SCEA
1 |
Luan Cestari
Ganesan Ponnusamy
Architect Certification (OCMJEA) |
SCBCD for Java EE 6
9 |
Luan Cestari
Vadim Golub
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Passed OCJP6 - 90%
8 |
Luan Cestari
jishnu dasgupta
Certification Results |
Hadoop - One Map and many Reduces
0 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Hadoop |
Hadoop with Drools
0 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Hadoop |
Some questions about GWT
1 |
Luan Cestari
Federico Kereki
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
JPA and Composite index
4 |
Luan Cestari
Luan Cestari
Object Relational Mapping |