MySQL Developer certification?
4 |
Elchin Asgarli
Stefan Feldmann
Product and Other Certifications |
Passed OCMJD - A new year present from Oracle!
20 |
Elchin Asgarli
Vijitha Kumara
Certification Results |
"Reference" Android tablet
3 |
Elchin Asgarli
Tim Moores
Android |
Wirtschaftsinformatik(Business Informatics) degree
4 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Jobs Discussion |
Design pattern for handling multiple String inputs
1 |
Elchin Asgarli
Ramon Anger
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring |
Code Java like a BoSS!
3 |
Elchin Asgarli
Rizvan Asgarov
Questions with no answers and all URGENT posts |
update and delete SecurityException question.
27 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
I passed SCWCD on 7th of September and did not get my certificate to date.
0 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD) |
Almost compete: few last-minute questions.
7 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
Submission question - Just registered
21 |
Elchin Asgarli
Piotr Nowicki
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
Question about searching
14 |
Elchin Asgarli
David Byron
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
3 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
Record cache question
3 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
My overall design choice
7 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
3 |
Elchin Asgarli
Raf Szczypiorski
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
5 |
Elchin Asgarli
Paul Anilprem
Certification Results |
Language Fluency?
10 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
Is it JRE 1.4 or 5 on the exam?
6 |
Elchin Asgarli
Hebert Coelho
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD) |
How to have your name posted to wall of fame?
4 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roberto Perillo
Ranch Office |
HashPal.com just launched!
0 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Blatant Advertising |
SCJD Registration question
22 |
Elchin Asgarli
Elchin Asgarli
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |
Passed SCJP 6 with 91%!
15 |
Elchin Asgarli
Abhay Agarwal
Certification Results |
Is java.util.concurrent API allowed to be used in assignment?
1 |
Elchin Asgarli
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD) |