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  • Tim Holloway
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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
License Key Algorithm 7 Yohan Weerasinghe
Tim Holloway
General Computing
Question about built-in Java icons 8 Yohan Weerasinghe
Campbell Ritchie
Swing / AWT / SWT
JQuery Auto Completion with REST API 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
William Brogden
Web Services
Amazon S3 issue in web applications 3 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Web Services
Why I can't access the servlet after the session time out? 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Stefan Evans
Hibernate issue with `SessionFactory` 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Object Relational Mapping
How to delete or re-schedule a quartz job? 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
Rob Spoor
How to retrieve “Grouped” items from HTML form using Servlet? 7 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
How to save a "Styled" document 6 Yohan Weerasinghe
Tony Docherty
I/O and Streams
HTML and CSS: Unable to align the DIV properly 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
UML Sequence Diagram Generator 5 Yohan Weerasinghe
Jeevan Sunkersett
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
Joining 2 tables 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
Jeanne Boyarsky
JDBC and Relational Databases
Performing text data inside loops 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Other Big Data
IO and doing logic take a long time? 7 Yohan Weerasinghe
Winston Gutkowski
Java in General
Converting Json to XML Generated invalid XML 8 Yohan Weerasinghe
Ulf Dittmer
I/O and Streams
Code generates invalid Json 3 Yohan Weerasinghe
Paul Clapham
I/O and Streams
Java Swing/Applet to HTML+JavaScript converter? 5 Yohan Weerasinghe
Joe Areeda
Java in General
Java 7 web hosts recomendations 9 Yohan Weerasinghe
K. Gil
Using Java in C++ 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Napkin Look and Feel: Unable to display button text when it is disabled 4 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Swing / AWT / SWT
Where can I host my JSP-Servlet site? 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Other IDEs, Version Control
Lining up in the same line in GridBagLayout 5 Yohan Weerasinghe
m Korbel
Swing / AWT / SWT
Android tutorial 10 Yohan Weerasinghe
chetan deol
Delay in displying contents of JDialog 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Swing / AWT / SWT
Failed to start error in Apache Derby 6 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
JDBC and Relational Databases
Reporting Tools? 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Java in General
Retrieving the system information 10 Yohan Weerasinghe
Ivan Jozsef Balazs
Java in General
PhoneBook software: Easiest way to add the contacts 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Java in General
Invitation to a programming group in FaceBook 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Blatant Advertising
Netbeans 7.2 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Other IDEs, Version Control
Selecting new technologies 3 Yohan Weerasinghe
chris webster
Jobs Discussion
Questions about JavaRanch 9 Yohan Weerasinghe
Praveen Kumar M K
Ranch Office
Neo4J vs SQL 8 Yohan Weerasinghe
Mark Spritzler
Convert Scala to Java 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
Ivan Jozsef Balazs
JavaCV tutorial 2 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Java in General
Playing video with VLCJ 1 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Java in General
Help to find a suitable degree 0 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Product and Other Certifications
How to Re-Assembling a splitted file correctly 4 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
I/O and Streams
Can I add these to my CV? 7 Yohan Weerasinghe
Yohan Weerasinghe
Jobs Discussion
Where to submit software for awards? 7 Yohan Weerasinghe
Henry Wong
Java in General