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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Concurrency Book 1 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Threads and Synchronization
Security Vulnerability: Throwing an Exception from a constructor 12 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Java in General
SCJD Exam with J2SE book : DvdFileAccess Constructor 17 Sean Keane
Alexandru Dragoi
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Unit testing class that deals with file I/O 19 Sean Keane
Phil Crow
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Business Service 28 Sean Keane
Rehan Zahoor
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Demistifying the OCMJD Certification paper - OKButtonListener 9 Sean Keane
Stefan Neuhaus
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Tomcat 5.5 and context.log 5 Sean Keane
Tim Holloway
distributable element in web.xml 0 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Thread Safety 3 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD)
OWASP - ESAPI 1 Sean Keane
Juan C Calderon
HTML5 Server-Sent Events & Servlets 9 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Enable Root Context in Tomcat 5.5 2 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Enable Servlet Reloading in Tomcat 5.5 4 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
SCWCD 5 & Tomcat. 4 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD)
Hello World RMI Example - With Dynamic Class Loading 16 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
RMI & Stubs 2 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
RMI: Stubs & Java 6 15 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
3-Tier or 2-Tier? 12 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
OO, Patterns, UML and Refactoring
Spawing operations off to separate threads Vs executing on the EDT 18 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Swing / AWT / SWT
What is the expected behaviour of the cursor when a dialog appears? 2 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Swing / AWT / SWT
Problem using UnicastRemoteObject.export() - java.rmi.StubNotFoundException 6 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Distributed Java
Expected behaviour of server when no network connection? 8 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Static reference to my remote service implementation to avoid java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException 9 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Remote Business Service - Delegating to Local 11 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Essay exam - registering *before* uploading assignment. 3 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
How to stop JTextField collapsing when using GridBagLayout? 13 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Swing / AWT / SWT
Handling long running events in the GUI 4 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Handling Exceptions in Business Layer 6 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Padding fields with the empty string introduces a limitation - acceptable or not? 1 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Handling Runtime Exceptions and Fatal Checked Exceptions in the Client 3 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Logging in a Shutdown Hook 7 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Logger / ShutdownHook 1 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Java in General
Writing records from cache back to data file. 11 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Centering Window 5 Sean Keane
Randall Twede
Swing / AWT / SWT
Denny DVD - DatabaseLocationDialog 14 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Correct behaviour when launching a new window and getting rid of the first window 16 Sean Keane
Ranganathan Kaliyur Mannar
Swing / AWT / SWT
Sharing filesets between Checkstyle in Ant and Eclipse Plugin? 3 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Other Build Tools
serialVersionUID - does it matter what value you choose? 2 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Distributed Java
Logging - entering method 16 Sean Keane
Sean Keane
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
Why throw an RecordNotFoundException in your unlock method? 15 Sean Keane
Roel De Nijs
Developer Certification (OCMJD)