Jooq framework with Kotlin, issue with a union
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Stephan van Hulst
JDBC and Relational Databases |
I try to explain for myself "What is an instanceof", with subclasses?
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Campbell Ritchie
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Java Study Guide OCP I can't get the clue of hiding/polymorphism?
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Campbell Ritchie
Java in General |
Java Study Guide OCP "Real World Scenaria: Avoiding Stateful Streams"
16 |
Nico van de Kamp
Jeanne Boyarsky
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Java 17 OCP: I try to understand "Chaining Optionals"
1 |
Nico van de Kamp
Stephan van Hulst
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Java 17 OCP: why is anonymous class called anonymous
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Piet Souris
Java in General |
Java OCP study Guide: enum
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Paul Clapham
Java in General |
Java OCP: "classes inheriting the interface vs without an instance of the interface"
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Java in General |
How to add http port (https port) when executing a runnable jar from CLI?
1 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Java in General |
mock response.readEnity(Map::class.java), passing mock Response object?
2 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Kotlin |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
Rsync on Openshift - error ssh
5 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Kotlin |
lambda function, determine if it is an array with even numbers pick out the one uneven number or...
7 |
Nico van de Kamp
Peter Schuster
Beginning Java |
Is it possible generating code by XSD main- and sub-element does have same name?
2 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
XML and Related Technologies |
Legacy project, problem after dependency upgrading.
1 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Java in General |
Concept of Service layer versus DAO layer?
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Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Java in General |
RichFaces: contextMenu is shown, and jumps after approx. 1 sec. -ones- to another position?
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Is it necessary to execute refresh after an respository save?
1 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Object Relational Mapping |
How define specification for a JPQL to search on multiple words
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Campbell Ritchie
Java in General |
How to make a Join with JPQL, to search in a column of an Jointable?
12 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Java in General |
Two entities, Orderby on two fields of each entity, is that posible with JPA?
5 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Java in General |
remarkable error: status 500; No serializer found for class com.crud.demo.dto.EmployeeDto and no pro
2 |
Nico van de Kamp
Rob Spoor
Java in General |
Hibernate: Creating Entities versus the database schema, best way create the Sequence
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Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Java in General |
How to realize an CRUD ManyToMany relationship - join table - in Java with JPA?
2 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Java in General |
ERROR OneTOMany/ManyToOne mapping: FK null at time of saving parent - child table
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Rob Spoor
Object Relational Mapping |
OneToMany/ManyToOne mapping, children are not deleted with update (PUT)
0 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Object Relational Mapping |
Why is with a many-to-many the response data recursive...?
5 |
Nico van de Kamp
Rob Spoor
Object Relational Mapping |
Hibernate: how to map parent table with static data child table?
20 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Object Relational Mapping |
Error: The increment size of the [address_sequence] sequence is set to [50] in the entity mapping...
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Object Relational Mapping |
Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method findPlayerById(Integer) from the type play
15 |
Nico van de Kamp
Rob Spoor
Java in General |
OCP certification - Question 11 Enthuware Test 1: Lambda function
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
List with Unicorn type but you can add a Dragon type?
5 |
Nico van de Kamp
salvin francis
Java in General |
Has somebody a tip how to get an better overview of chapter 3/4 OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II?
1 |
Nico van de Kamp
Jeanne Boyarsky
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
Upper-Bounded Wildcards
2 |
Nico van de Kamp
Nico van de Kamp
Programmer Certification (OCPJP) |
How to import the class hudson outside jenkins?
4 |
Nico van de Kamp
Rob Spoor
Groovy |
How to configure Jenkins to let it work with SVN, so that directory's/file's are checked out?
3 |
Nico van de Kamp
Tim Holloway
Other Build Tools |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
Why must be for the switch statement the variable a final variable (an constant)?
5 |
Nico van de Kamp
Paul Clapham
Associate Certification (OCAJP 8) |