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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Hibernate/jpa: do I have to "re-attach" 0 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Object Relational Mapping
JCA-Resource Adapter: ManagedConnection holds several connections? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
sam sepassi
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
ClasspathResource with property placeholders? 2 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Dynamic javascript generation? 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Error message: "Message DB not initialized with Locale" 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Moh Afifi
Grid computing: collecting data from several databases? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
William Brogden
Distributed Java
Can't deploy EAR through admin console: invalid binaries path 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Kristine Michelle Cosgayon
Eclipse "plugin project" : can it depend on a standard java project? 0 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Other IDEs, Version Control
Any improvements on Struts2 Table Pagination, during the last 6 months? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Jimmy Clark
@NamedQuery : does it have to be declared on an @Entity ? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Jeanne Boyarsky
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Conversion between DB data and java data ? 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
James Sutherland
Object Relational Mapping
Java "enum" : can you use non-consecutive ordinal numbers ? 6 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Beginning Java
Design: should I add a 'DAO' layer between my Session bean and my Entities? 4 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Steteful Session beans without "@Remove" 0 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Can I have "log4j" and "java.util.logging" write to the same log file ? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Rahul Bhattacharjee
Other Open Source Projects
onsubmit: can you veto form submission without "return false"? 5 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Newbie question: "enctype" in jsf forms? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Remko Strating
Server needs to know whether browser supports cookies 4 Sol Mayer-Orn
Piash Chaudhuri
EL and autocomplete 0 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Ajax: would you recommend DWR or similar frameworks? 2 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sasi Kumar
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Version control methodology: use branches? 8 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Other IDEs, Version Control
Range of bitwise operators 4 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Beginning Java
Please recommend a java library for byte/bit manipulation ? 2 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
I/O and Streams
Adding many options to a select box - strange IE6 behavior 6 Sol Mayer-Orn
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Reading a text file while controlling BIDI algorithm (visual BIDI)? 0 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
I/O and Streams
Question on select-box options 6 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Event when text is pasted into text-input, using mouse 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Table nested inside a div 6 Sol Mayer-Orn
Herman Schelti
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Recommended way to keep multiple event handlers? 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Thanks + question on recent improvements 5 Sol Mayer-Orn
Rahul Bhattacharjee
Ranch Office
Html / css - fine tuning printer instructions 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Extending a form control with custom property 4 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Webapp serving jsp pages from 2 different directories? 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Bear Bibeault
Javascript garbage-collection question 5 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Please recommend Ajax js library for cross-browser usage 2 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Can java access Windows "file-properties-summary" ? 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
I/O and Streams
Eclipse plugin with good support for JSP Fragments ? 2 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Other IDEs, Version Control
Writing the output of JSP into a string ? 6 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
Please recommend some good, commonly used javascript libraries? 3 Sol Mayer-Orn
Sol Mayer-Orn
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Fieldset alignment with tables 1 Sol Mayer-Orn
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript