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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
JavaMail: File extension omitted by invoking part.getFileName 0 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
How can I pass a node as parameter to translets for XSLTC-Processor of Xalan? 0 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
XML and Related Technologies
How to change the tab order for jumping from one textfield to another 5 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Swing / AWT / SWT
transformation of xsl within several threads - performance problems 4 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
XML and Related Technologies
NX: SecurityException unchecked or checked? 6 Ulrich Heeger
Liviu Carausu
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
How can I declare a namespace using Java 1.5 0 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
XML and Related Technologies
is it possible in XSL to invoke an extended java function which returns a list? 1 Ulrich Heeger
Shweta Walaskar
XML and Related Technologies
JavaMail:Why can't a recipient using Lotus Notes see the attachment of my mail 3 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
finding a String in an InputStream 5 Ulrich Heeger
Stan James
I/O and Streams
Java Mail: Please help: Can I create a new Message with InputStream (binary/character 0 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
how to bind values within a configuration file to constants in an abstract class 0 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
XML and Related Technologies
Passed with 395 points. 10 Ulrich Heeger
George Marinkovich
Certification Results
NX: exception handling and its justification in choices.txt 4 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: choices.txt and formatting 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: closing of the application (System.exit(0), System.exit(n)) 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: User guide 7 Ulrich Heeger
Satish Avadhanam
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX:how to inlude a link to another package in Javadoc 10 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: Can I justify my implementation at the database access level 10 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: A question concerning JavaDoc 3 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: concerning logging 8 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: handling of Remote- and ParseException 12 Ulrich Heeger
Leo Tien
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: two questions concerning the client GUI 6 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: unlock()-call in the finally-block of the book-method 15 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: IO- and InterruptedException. Please Help!!! 10 Ulrich Heeger
Philippe Maquet
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX:exceptions while the registering and binding -process 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: concerning exception handling 4 Ulrich Heeger
Billy Tsai
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: URLYBird / my approach of the reading problem
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
90 Ulrich Heeger
Jacques Bosch
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: how to pass exceptions from one thread to another? 8 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: concerning threads & exceptions 11 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: concerning the event-dispatching thread 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: validation of the IP or HostName 7 Ulrich Heeger
Andrew Monkhouse
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: Package for the Server-GUI 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: exposing the MetaData to the client 12 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: concerning the GUI-level, please help!!! 10 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: two questions concerning Max's DVD-store 2 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: Server GUI 4 Ulrich Heeger
Philippe Maquet
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: 7 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: RemoteDBAccess 19 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: RandomAccessFile / Singleton DataSchema
[ 1, 2 ]
40 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)
NX: some questions concerning find-method 29 Ulrich Heeger
Ulrich Heeger
Developer Certification (OCMJD)