Scored 99%
9 |
Sandesh Tathare
Ajith Kallambella
Certification Results |
Scored 99%
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Valentin Crettaz
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Question from Mock Exam - ejbcertificate.com
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Mark Lybarger
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Question related to ejbPassivate() Requirements
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
X. Li
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Client View of a Session Bean - Mock Question
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Conversational state - Session Bean
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Local and Remote Client Views
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
BMT Mock question
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
James Turner
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Beta Mock Question - Session Bean Passivation
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Session Bean - Mock Exam Question
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Local & Remote Interfaces - Beta Mock Exam Question
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
APIs provided by Container - Beta Mock Exam Question
0 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Question from a Mock test
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Bean must not attempt to define a class in a package
1 |
Sandesh Tathare
Valentin Crettaz
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
BMT Transaction
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Exception - HF EJB page 559
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Application Exception thrown by Bean with BMT
5 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Valentin Crettaz
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Pass SCWCD with 93%
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
Certification Results |
HttpSessionAttributeListener v/s HttpSessionBindingListener
1 |
Sandesh Tathare
Ko Ko Naing
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD) |
Can I declare a variable in an included page?
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
David O'Meara
How does JSP engine understand need to translate JSP into Servlet and recompile?
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Praful Thakare
Can Expression have nested Expression in a JSP page?
2 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
4 Servlet Related Questions....
1 |
Sandesh Tathare
Shiva Mantri
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD) |
Where can I get Mock Exams?
3 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
Web Component Certification (OCEJWCD) |
Do I need to be in first 600 to appear for test?
4 |
Sandesh Tathare
Sandesh Tathare
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |