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Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Hibernate.cfg.xml and 6 Vivek Raju
S Majumder
Object Relational Mapping
Dozer Mapping exception 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Dozer Mapping Exception 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Other Application Frameworks
Is possible in iBatis 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Object Relational Mapping
ERROR : java.lang.Illegal State Exception : getOutputStream() 1 Vivek Raju
Shyamsundar Shounak
jsp response problem 1 Vivek Raju
Devi Taruni
ASCII TO EBCDIC conversion preserving COMP-3 10 Vivek Raju
Norm Radder
I/O and Streams
Configuration problems "Eclipse with weblogic" 4 Vivek Raju
muni king
Other IDEs, Version Control
Problem in writing concatenated byteArray to a PDF file 3 Vivek Raju
Ulf Dittmer
I/O and Streams
Applet to Servlet Communication 3 Vivek Raju
Ulf Dittmer
Applets NotSerializableException: 2 Vivek Raju
Jim Yingst
Java in General
Comparing two composite keys 1 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Sending Email attachment without saving 1 Vivek Raju
Paul Clapham
I want to refresh the popup page after popup loads 1 Vivek Raju
Niki Nono
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Measuring search response time and displaying on my webpage 1 Vivek Raju
William Brogden
Java in General
Problem with the BO 1 Vivek Raju
Paul Sturrock
Object Relational Mapping
To Encrypt Password before storing using hibernate 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Object Relational Mapping
Struts Action errors-Problem 1 Vivek Raju
poornima balagopal
problem in creating table with FULLTEXT KEY index 1 Vivek Raju
Jeanne Boyarsky
JDBC and Relational Databases
Error calling Stored Procedure "SELECT in a stored procedure must have INTO " 7 Vivek Raju
Shailesh Chandra
JDBC and Relational Databases
Problem retrieving data from the database using hibernate 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Object Relational Mapping
Database search using hibernate 3 Vivek Raju
Stan Sokolov
Object Relational Mapping
To retrieve data from the database 4 Vivek Raju
steve souza
To retrieve data from the database 2 Vivek Raju
Jeanne Boyarsky
JDBC and Relational Databases
An unusual error 1 Vivek Raju
miguel lisboa
Object Relational Mapping
Hibernate configuration 1 Vivek Raju
A Kumar
Object Relational Mapping
Hibernate Exception [Unknown entity com. businessobjects. UserDataBO] 0 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
Object Relational Mapping
Hibernate DAO error 1 Vivek Raju
miguel lisboa
Object Relational Mapping
Error reading resource: hbm.xml file 1 Vivek Raju
Paul Sturrock
Object Relational Mapping
Active Widgets 1 Vivek Raju
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
How to end a session 5 Vivek Raju
Vishal Pai
to remove hyperlink after the page is accessed. 1 Vivek Raju
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript
Configuration of EJB2.0 with struts1.2.4 2 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Problem with configuring EJB with MySQL 2 Vivek Raju
Bruno Collet
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
How to connect entity beans to mysql database. 3 Vivek Raju
Vivek Raju
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Struts+mySQL+JBoss configuration 1 Vivek Raju
Kevin Judd
Swing in JSP 1 Vivek Raju
Paul Sturrock
Swing / AWT / SWT
It gives Class not found exception for mySQL 1 Vivek Raju
Ben Keeping
JDBC and Relational Databases
Struts-html.tld problem. 2 Vivek Raju
Jason Menard
JBoss installation 3 Vivek Raju
Damanjit Kaur