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When to not use EJB
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
two phase commit
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
2 phase commit in java !!!!!!! VERY URGENT !!!!!
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2 phase commit in java ----!!!VERY URGENT!!! (Request for Kyle and others)
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2 phase commit in java !!!!!!!!! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!
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Distributed Java
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
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Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
Cleared Part - I with 87%
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Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
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please answer this 128 questions for WLS. Urgently!
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
To those that Passed with 80% or above
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Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
Thanks JavaRanchers
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
two phase committ
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Difference between Single phase and two phase commit
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Architect Certification (OCMJEA)
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EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies
Stateless Session Beans Managing JDBC Transactions
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