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equals and to string method
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Overriding .equal method to compare between 2 objects (user defined classes)
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Unsupported major.minor version 49.0
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moving the pictures
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Associate Certification (OCAJP 8)
Static Puzzler
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
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Swing / AWT / SWT
drawing a curve from points
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pass by reference and value
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Understanding how to build a hexagonal grid.
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What can be done to stop flickering of the image??
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Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
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Beginning Java
how to move and reverce a geometric object?
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Error Writing a Bouncing Ball Program
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need help finding a bug, please
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Identifier Expected
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Is there anyway of overriding the default signal for PopupMenus
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AffineTransform "transform" method
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Can anybody help??
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Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
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Swing / AWT / SWT
JPanel not updating after drawing on it.
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Beginning Java
Confused help me!!!!!!
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This is bugging me, and i lost sleep from it.
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Sierpinski Triangle Question (very quick)
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Swing / AWT / SWT
chess game : moving piece
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Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Problems moving shapes when set up own Shapes class extending Path2D.Double
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Swing / AWT / SWT
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protected access specifier
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Animated Multi-Thread Graphical Object Instances Painting To The Same JPanel
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How can I keep focus on the component pressed until I pressed other component????
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Scrolling Components
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Issue with graphics2d
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Nested Layout Managers?
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Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
protected: "must be involved in implementation of..." (?)
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