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EJB-QL question
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
EJB-QL Query
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Object Relational Mapping
Question on JPQL...
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
EJB QL - Joining two entities
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
Enthuware say's this as a Cartesian Join
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
My exam cloud, quiz 2, total vs avg
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
My exam cloud mock exam 1 , criteria query
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
Enthuware question on inner join
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Object Relational Mapping
Join Fetch using EclipseLink
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
valid EJB QL query
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Object Relational Mapping
left join fetch
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Object Relational Mapping
How to translate this JDBC query into JPQL?
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
EJB QL syntax
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Oracle Error
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
A subquery example in section 6.5.11
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
my exam cloud quiz 2, join and cartesian product
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Object Relational Mapping
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Object Relational Mapping
HQL Query Problem
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
Ambiguity in ORDER BY and GROUP BY of JPQL
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
Mock exam question doubt - q.11 p.428
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
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JDBC and Relational Databases
Stumped on a SQL Statement
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
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JDBC and Relational Databases
Question on "Group by" for Derby
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
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Object Relational Mapping
Problem when execute the JPQL with Map
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JPA Certification (OCEJPAD)
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JDBC and Relational Databases
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Object Relational Mapping
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Object Relational Mapping
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JDBC and Relational Databases
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JDBC and Relational Databases
Example of max(id) + 1 in an insert query.
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JDBC and Relational Databases
Unnecessary INNER JOIN with Criteria
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JDBC and Relational Databases
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Object Relational Mapping
JPA - Joining of two tables
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Object Relational Mapping
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EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)
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