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session.flush(); gives null
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Cannot insert record into Database!
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Object Relational Mapping
where to place hibernate.cfg.xml ?
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Object Relational Mapping
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/hibernate.cfg.xml not found while Running simple java program
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Object Relational Mapping
data insert error
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it is giving fatal exception
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Object Relational Mapping
NullPointerException in hibernate
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NullPointerException in session.flush()
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Getting error -problem parsing configuration/hibernate.cfg.xml
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cannot insert record in MS SQLServer 2000
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Beginner in hibernate getting error : org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity
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Problem with running my first Hibernate App
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Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection
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org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection
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Object Relational Mapping
Hibernate -org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException why?
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Object Relational Mapping
hibernate3 : help find out the error
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Object Relational Mapping
I am getting a new column and throwing an error in simple hibernate code
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Object Relational Mapping
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Batch Update Failure
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Problem with the sample hibernate program
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Object Relational Mapping
Mapping issue in hibernate.cfg.xml
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Unable to run the Hibernate program
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Error running HQL query in Hibernate 3.1
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