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Getting to a point on a 2d array, labeling each cell the distance it would take from there.
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Swing / AWT / SWT
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Sockets and Internet Protocols
How to: synchronize sockets?
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Using a BufferImage to ImageIO.write() results in no image in file
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Swing / AWT / SWT
My panel object won't repaint(). Please help.
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Making co-ordinates co-operate!
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July Newsletter Puzzle (Maze Solver)
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how to create multidim arraylist and access it
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Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
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Beginning Java
2D Array UniqueRow Method
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Tabbing between cells in a JTable
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Prevent selection of certain JTable cells
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need help with calculation in my spreadsheet array
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Programmer Certification (OCPJP)
A mock question
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Swing / AWT / SWT
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Swing / AWT / SWT
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Why I cannot Move my JLabel after I add SetToolTipText()??
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Swing / AWT / SWT
How to save configuration for my application??
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Swing / AWT / SWT
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Median filter
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Swing / AWT / SWT
How to group these JLabels?
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Bidimensional array to GUI?
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Swing / AWT / SWT
PreapareRenderer doesnt give proper row and column numbers in Advanced Java
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Swing / AWT / SWT
JTable Cell Values reapeated in all Model rows
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Can anybody help??
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Swing / AWT / SWT
How to draw straight line instead of curved line??
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Swing / AWT / SWT
retrieving data from table and saving into database
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Game Development
Why does this 8-puzzle algorithm/code execute infinitely?
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Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
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Exception -- java.lang.StackOverflowError
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Java in General
need help figurng out what is wrong with my A* search algorithm for an eight puzzle
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Swing / AWT / SWT
how to display selected row in Jtable?
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Swing / AWT / SWT
how to display selected row in Jtable?
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Swing / AWT / SWT
How do i add JList as a column in JTable, very urgent
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Beginning Java
ArrayLists ;o(
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C / C++
Arrays and pointers: passing argument from incompatible pointer type
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Beginning Java
Minesweeper Game
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Java in General
Robot Navigation (Binary Matrix to Distance Transform Matrix)
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Can't sum the total of each row in a JTable
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Implement showOptionDialog - create new game
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Swing / AWT / SWT
To Rob , Manfred or Dirk.. I have a request..
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Java in General
Just wanted to share my code SudokuSolver !
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Swing / AWT / SWT
Java JTable keybindings working differently for tab and enter keys
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