rajeswari kannan

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Recent posts by rajeswari kannan

Interpersonal skills, also known as people skills or social skills, are the ability to effectively interact and communicate with others. These skills involve understanding and managing personal emotions, listening and responding to others, and building positive relationships.

Developing good interpersonal skills is an important aspect of personal and professional growth. It can help improve communication, build trust and respect, and enhance teamwork and collaboration. Here are some ways to develop good interpersonal skills:

1. Self-awareness and self-management: It is important to understand one's own emotions and how they impact others. Practicing self-reflection and self-regulation can improve interpersonal interactions.

2. Active listening: Listening carefully to what others say and responding appropriately is key to effective communication. This helps in building understanding and trust in relationships.

3. Empathy: Putting oneself in someone else's shoes and understanding their perspective can improve relationships and resolve conflicts.

4. Effective communication: This involves being clear, concise, and respectful in verbal and non-verbal communication. It also includes being mindful of one's tone and body language.

5. Conflict resolution: The ability to identify and address conflicts in a calm and respectful manner is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

MyExamCloud AI can generate a wide range of interpersonal skills practice exams that can help individuals develop and improve their interpersonal skills. With regular practice, individuals can enhance their interpersonal skills and improve their personal and professional relationships.
6 months ago
Congratulations on passing the exam! A 72% is definitely a passable score, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the good work!
6 months ago
Good luck with your OCP exam! It's great that you've had success with the OCAJP after utilizing an effective study guide and practice tests. Success like yours proves that you have what it takes to achieve your goals. Best of luck!

MyExamCloud has the premier OCAJP 8 Practice Tests to help you reach your certification goals. With 5 full-length mock exams, 6 quiz exams, and 2 study notes, you can quickly get started with your preparation. Plus, try out the free trial mock to get a feel of the tests.

MyExamCloud AI also provides preparation specifically tailored to the 1Z0-808 exam. With random tests, practice questions for each topic, flashcards, study notes, and program study notes, getting ready for the exam is easier than ever. Through MyExamCloud Dashboard, access your course contents and use the PPA system (Plan, Practice, Achieve) to develop confidence and set goals. Track your progress with practice and answers and explanations. Set your goals, make a plan and complete your exam preparations efficiently.

MyExamCloud Practice Tests –

MyExamCloud AI Preparation –
7 months ago
VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is a feature of AWS that allows users to create a secure, isolated virtual network in the cloud. This ensures that resources are protected from public access, as well as providing a platform for a variety of network-based activities like DNS hosting, IP address restrictions, server instance networking services, etc.

Some of the services within AWS can be used without VPC because they are designed to be standalone services. Examples include Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and Simple Storage Service (S3). Other services, such as EC2 and RDS, are designed such that they require a virtual private cloud to be created and maintained.

MyExamCloud AI is a great way to get started with learning AWS.

Go to https://www.myexamcloud.com/onlineexam/aws-certification-practice-tests.courses and select the author generated courses.

Go to https://www.myexamcloud.com/onlineexam/aws-certifications.ai and generate AWS courses from MyExamCloud AI.
7 months ago
In Java, it is important to validate method parameters wherever necessary, for example, by using Objects.requireNonNull(), throwing an IllegalArgumentException, or using a try catch block. Additionally, null checks should also be done whenever appropriate, to make sure that parameters are not null before the method is called. It is also recommended to use the throws keyword in the method signature if using try catch or throw new WhateverException. It is also best practice to null check and validate parameters in both public and private methods. Finally, where possible it is recommended to use the Optional class to require parameters, which will provide additional safety.

MyExamCloud AI is perfect for generating program study notes as it can generate comprehensive notes based on transcripts of lectures, research articles, or any other kind of textual content. Additionally, it can analyze the content to determine the important points which can then be highlighted in the notes.

You have two options to generate Java Program Study Notes at MyExamCloud AI.

Go to https://www.myexamcloud.com/onlineexam/testgenerator.ai and type your programing skill (Ex: Java Basics, Java OO Programming, etc) and choose the course type as "Program Study Note".


Go to https://www.myexamcloud.com/onlineexam/ocajp-8-1z0-808.ai or https://www.myexamcloud.com/onlineexam/java-foundations-1z0-811.ai and generate program study notes from pre-configured syllabus for Java beginners.
7 months ago
Congrats on passing the Java 8 Professional Certification Programmer II 1Z0-809! It takes a great deal of hard work and dedication to be able to complete a certification exam without the use of a whiteboard. It sounds like you put in a great deal of work reviewing with those two books from Jeanne Boyarsky and preparing for the test. Well done!

If you're looking to get your Java Certification, MyExamCloud has the perfect options to help you succeed.

Option #1 is our Author Generated Courses, which comes with Practice Tests and Study Notes to help you create a plan and reach your goals. Our Objective and Random Tests make it easy to practice until you're ready.

Option #2 is our AI Preparation that generates Practice Questions from any exam topic. Plus, you gain access to Study Notes, Program Examples, Flashcards, and Interview Questions too. Get everything you need to become certified!

MyExamCloud offers two options to make your Java Certification prep successful.

Option #1 is MyExamCloud Author Generated Courses. It includes Practice Tests and Study Notes to help you set goals and plan your preparation. With this option, you can practice until you reach your goal, with Objective and Random Tests.

Option #2 is MyExamCloud AI Preparation. You can use this for generating Practice Questions from any exam topic, while Study Notes, Program Examples, Flashcards, and Interview Questions can also be created from any exam topic. This will ensure you have all you need to get ready for the certification.
Yes, you can prepare well in 15 days if you spend about 6 hours per day.

First 7 Days
Read OCAJP book and Get some working knowledge in each exam objectives. Write programs and run it on your system.

Next 7 Days
Practice directly on any exam tools like MyExamCloud. Take OCAJP 8 mock exams and read explanations. After completing all mock exams, start writing programs again. Write program on each concept and try compiling with all possible options. The program directory created in your system must have chapter-wise folders for ease of review. Repeat this till you get good knowledge in exam chapters.

Last Day
Review your weak areas and study well. Take final mock exam and try to achieve good score.

The key to achieve good score in real exam is solving as many mock exams as possible. Repeat your practice till you get 100% in all mock exams.