Siddharth Purandare

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Recent posts by Siddharth Purandare

Hi Authors,

Thanks for answering my queries. Please dont misunderstood that I have any doubts about the capabilities but I was just curious to know how authors take care of writing the new book and that too for a new technology for the people like me who are new to EJB's.

Thanks again for answering my queries. Good luck with the release of new book.

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Authors,

I would like to ask authors that how you have taken care of concepts of new EJB 3.0 technology as its still in its initial phase. What I think is that just by understanding the specs specified from SUN Microsystems does not solves the BIG purpose like writing a book.

What I think is that ideally there should be some hands on experience/lifecycle of projects in new EJB's specification should be there then it will have an ideal platform for writing any book.

I may be wrong by asking such questions to authors but I was just curious to know the state of mind of authors before writing a book for such a new technologies.

I hope I am eligible to get a copy of this book so that I can understand the EJB from the fresh perspective from the authors of this book.

Thanks and Sorry If I would have asked the wrong question.

All the best for your book.
Hi All,

Thanks for all your help. I got the solution now. The web.xml of my web project and EJB deployment of my EJB project were not in sync with each other. I studied both the files and the related entries for <ejb-ref> in both the files was corrected by me to Run my First EJB application.

Thanks again.
17 years ago
Hi All,

Thanks for all your help. I got the solution now. The web.xml of my web project and EJB deployment of my EJB project were not on sync with each other. I studied both the files and the related entries for <ejb-ref> in both the files was corrected by me to Run my First EJB application.

Thanks again.
Hi Cameron ,

Thanks for the help. YES I am able to run it via JNDI explorer but when I write the below code in servlet its throwing the exception.


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {

Context ic=new InitialContext();
Object o=ic.lookup("ejb/com/HelloBeanHome");
HelloBeanHome home=(HelloBeanHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o,HelloBeanHome.class);
HelloBean rem=home.create();
}catch(Exception e){



[2/28/07 16:10:36:196 IST] 698fa86a WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [HelloWeb] [/HelloWeb] [Servlet.LOG]: Test: init
[2/28/07 16:10:36:586 IST] 698fa86a WebGroup E SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[com.HelloBeanHome]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.HelloBeanHome
at Test.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
17 years ago
Hi, Thanks for showing interest in my thread. I am using the below code in my servlet. I also tried the same code in JSP as well as plain java class. The same JNDI name is appearing in my EJB deployment descriptor.


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {

Context ic=new InitialContext();
Object o=ic.lookup("ejb/com/HelloBeanHome");
HelloBeanHome home=(HelloBeanHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o,HelloBeanHome.class);
HelloBean rem=home.create();
}catch(Exception e){


**************** Error is as below**************

Test is my Servlet.....

[2/28/07 16:10:36:196 IST] 698fa86a WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [HelloWeb] [/HelloWeb] [Servlet.LOG]: Test: init
[2/28/07 16:10:36:586 IST] 698fa86a WebGroup E SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[com.HelloBeanHome]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.HelloBeanHome
at Test.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
[ February 28, 2007: Message edited by: Siddharth Purandare ]
Hi all,

I am new to EJB's and First time creating EJB's in Websphere Version: 5.1.2. I have created the bean project in the Websphere and written a method myMethod() in which I have written "Hello Bean".

This is running absolutely fine when I test the Bean with the websphere's own JNDI explorer and its giving me the message what I have written in myMethod().

The same thing when I tried to Run using 1. Servlet OR 2. JSP OR 3. Plain Java class with main() (I created the new dynamic web project)I am not getting the desired output and getting the error.

There are no compilation error in the code also the packaging and placing of Beans is not an issue because the websphere is itself creating everything.

***********Error in Running servlet is ************

[2/27/07 16:01:46:950 IST] 7b388473 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [HelloWeb] [/HelloWeb] [Servlet.LOG]: Test: init
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Context: localhost/nodes/localhost/servers/server1, name: jndiname: First component in name jndiname not found. Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound: IDL
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at Source)
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at

Let me know if you need any further help from my side I can provide the code of my Home/Remore/Implementation class But as I said everything is created by Websphere and there is no problem with the code as its running fine with its own JNDI explorer.

**************My EJB deployment descriptor is as below (This is created by Websphere)**********

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "">;
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID">
<session id="HelloBean">

Thanks in advance for any help.

PS: I have also added the class path entry in my dynamic project where my servlet/jsp is located.
17 years ago
Hi all,

I am new to EJB's and First time creating EJB's in Websphere Version: 5.1.2. I have created the bean project in the Websphere and written a method myMethod() in which I have written "Hello Bean".

This is running absolutely fine when I test the Bean with the websphere's own JNDI explorer and its giving me the message what I have written in myMethod().

The same thing when I tried to Run using 1. Servlet OR 2. JSP OR 3. Plain Java class with main() (I created the new dynamic web project)I am not getting the desired output and getting the error.

There are no compilation error in the code also the packaging and placing of Beans is not an issue because the websphere is itself creating everything.

***********Error in Running servlet is ************

[2/27/07 16:01:46:950 IST] 7b388473 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [HelloWeb] [/HelloWeb] [Servlet.LOG]: Test: init
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Context: localhost/nodes/localhost/servers/server1, name: jndiname: First component in name jndiname not found. Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound: IDL
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at Source)
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at
[2/27/07 16:01:47:294 IST] 7b388473 SystemErr R at

Let me know if you need any further help from my side I can provide the code of my Home/Remore/Implementation class But as I said everything is created by Websphere and there is no problem with the code as its running fine with its own JNDI explorer.

**************My EJB deployment descriptor is as below (This is created by Websphere)**********

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "">
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID">
<session id="HelloBean">

Thanks in advance for any help.

PS: I have also added the class path entry in my dynamic project where my servlet/jsp is located.
[ March 01, 2007: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]
Yes nick it was my typo mistake I corrected it. I know that the date has expired but Whom should I complaint thats the question??
Hi All,

I have cleared SCJP and SCWCD exams and wanted to enroll for free SCBCD5.0 Beta exam. I contacted prometric centre here in Mumbai,India. They told me that I have to provide the information like SCJP Id., exam id. etc to Centre Head at Prometric. They told me that they will schedule the exam for me and let me know the details but I never received any mails from them.

To whom should I contact of this incident? Is this happens with many people or I am the only exception?

Any help would be appreciated.
[ January 08, 2007: Message edited by: Siddharth Purandare ]
Hey Gowher!!!

CONGRATULATIONS my dear friend for the fantastic Score that you achieved. Your hard work really paid well. I can understand this much awaited success of yours. All the very best for the future endeavours.

CONGRATULATIONS Sayak...You got a terrific score!!! I was with you in this forum during the preparation so I can understand the importance of fellow ranchers....3 cheers for Java Ranch...
You got a WONDERFUL score!!! Hearty CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thanks Vikas for posting this information but could you please explain that what else I can do into that website in the certification status it only says that the certification is achieved on a particular date.

Do you mean that we can track the certification pragress like when we will receive the certification? Please explain in detail.

What else we get apart from the certification I have heard that we get a medal also from SUN. Correct me if I am wrong.