Tara O'Shea

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Originally posted by Joseph Miller:
The page is about 90K - all tables, data, and no images. Do you know if the widths make a significant difference for the browser?

Well, take a look at the file size of both pages--the heavier one, and the slimmed down one, and do the maths to find out how much smaller the one is than the other, and then apply that same ratio to load time.
Data is data is data. The browser will wait to display the page until the entire file is loaded. So the smaller the file, the faster it will appear. How MUCH faster is simple maths.
From http://webdev.loyola.edu/loadtimes.html
For a file size of 1000 K (or 1 MB)
14.4 K modem:13 min
28.8 K modem: 8 min
33.6 K modem: 6.5 min
56 K modem: 4.5 min
64 K ISDN: 3 min
128 K ISDN: 15.1 sec
640 K DSL: 15.1 sec
T1: 7.2 sec
All times are calculated estimates and the actual download time may vary.
To obtain the download time for any file, multiply the size of the file in MB by the estimated times
for your type of connection.
[This message has been edited by Tara O'Shea (edited August 31, 2001).]
You can use a style tag in the INPUT tag, and that should work just find. Rather than using the size="" attribute, try style="width: 100px; height: 14px" or whatever the dimensions you want the input box to be....
Define "big spaces". Is the page online, so we can take a look?
COuld be that it's just a problem with the image...
I actually prefer Netscape, and test for both--even tho the office standard at my company is IE 5.0. IE forgives bad code--Netscape doesn't. So if you write good code, you should and can get your tables to work in both.
What layout problems EXACTLY are you having? Can you throw the page(s) up online, so we can take a look and see the problems? I'm sure between the lot of us, we can hammer out the cross-browser issues.
Okay, so here's the deal...
I have a parent window opened in canvas mode, and I launch a child window form that parent window. How can I use Javascript toggle between the two (because the parent is taking over the desktop, and blowing away all the Windows nav) without reloading the info in either page?
basically, I just want to switch focus between them, so that if you're on page 5 of the site in one window, anf switch to the other, and switch back, you're still on page 5. I don't want either window to reload or refresh, just come to the foreground when you click on the graphic.
Is there a function out there that can switch window focus?