Suresh Kumar Ramasamy

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since Mar 18, 2008
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Recent posts by Suresh Kumar Ramasamy

More than an year old thread. When I googled for "hibernate update generates additional comma", I got this as the first result. Hence thought of updating my experience. For me, even getSession().createQuery(hql).executeUpdate() doesn't work. (I am still at With further luck, I came across this Hibernate (non)issue. Hope this is useful to someone.

Brent Sterling wrote:So what behavior are you seeing? Note that the default value for the validate property of an action mapping is "true". It could be the case that validation is failing in which case the action class is never called.

- Brent

I know it is a 5 year old thread, but I am not able to resist posting Thanks. I spent almost a day debugging and only after reading your tip my problem got solved. Thank You.
11 years ago

I guess getPropertyDescriptors returns PropertyDescriptor(s) in the alphabetical order of (property)Name. Is there a way to change this (Requirement: Order same as the order, the properties are coded in the bean)?

One solution is to prefix the properties with a sequence no. (like _01, _02, and so on.), but this impact the getter and setter method names as well

If you know of any (neat) alternatives, could you please post.

16 years ago

While the page loads, I want to transfer some data from Server to a JavaScript array. I have accomplished it in the following (round about) way.

(1) I have defined an "on load" in the BODY tag.
(2) This function is defined as:

(3) I have the following tag within a JSP loop(originally used for displaying a different value, now reused for the current requirement).

(4) This onfocus function is defined as

/* dEIdArray is defined within the script outside any function */

Could you please suggest a better way.

Sorry, late realisation that I have posted into wrong forum.
16 years ago

While the page loads, I want to transfer some data from Server to a JavaScript array. I have accomplished it in the following (round about) way.

(1) I have defined an "on load" in the BODY tag.
(2) This function is defined as:

(3) I have the following tag within a JSP loop(originally used for displaying a different value, now reused for the current requirement).

(4) This onfocus function is defined as

/* dEIdArray is defined within the script outside any function */

Could you please suggest a better way.

16 years ago

Design one action servlet for each jsp - All actions emanating from a JSP should be handled by the corresponding servlet.


Assume that one.jsp on click of a button has to go to two.jsp. This two.jsp needs some values (say for populating a combo) before loading.

Possible Solution without considering the Constraint:

Invoke two.jsp from one.jsp (View to View). Call a function in the header of two.jsp which will submit the form to for retrieval of the values (Hope this will work).

What I have done:

one.jsp submits the form to has the following code:
return new two().execute(mapping,form,request,response); has nothing special. After retrieving the required values, the execute method issues mapping.findForward(forwardName);

The struts config file has an entry for for the forward name set by to navigate to two.jsp.


Is this a standard way? If not, what are the better ways?

Thanks & Regards.
16 years ago