yogesh.lr kumar

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Recent posts by yogesh.lr kumar


I am trying to execute REST webservices and using a POST request.Can someone tell me how to get hold of the content/body of the request method using MessageContext object?
10 years ago

Steven Taylor wrote:I am able to generate the code using the below command

wsimport -d c:\ws http://ecs.amazonaws.com/AWSECommerceService/AWSECommerceService.wsdl

Thanks for the response Steve, but my issue is the command is searching for other wsdls that are present on my machine and thorwing the above error
10 years ago
Can someone please provide a response , i still dont have any luck after trying few options.
10 years ago

I am studying Webservices up and running and trying to execute the exmaples which involve Amazon's e-commerce webservice.
I am using the following command to import the wsdl:
java -Xmx1024M -cp "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\lib\tools.jar" com.sun.tools.internal.ws.WsImport -keep -p awsClient / http://ecs.amazonaws.com/AWSECommerceService/AWSECommerceService.wsdl

but when i execute the command i get the following error:
parsing WSDL...

[ERROR] com.sun.istack.internal.SAXParseException2; ecs.amazonaws.com

Failed to read the WSDL document: http://ecs.amazonaws.com/AWSECommerceService/A
WSECommerceService.wsdl, because 1) could not find the document; /2) the documen
t could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <wsdl:definition

[ERROR] duplicate "message" entity: "CreatePartyRequest"
line 232 of file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/***/****/****/wsdl/Party.wsdl
This is the wsdl folder of another project on my computer.

The project is not even loaded in Eclipse when i am executing the command.

Can someone please help me to get rid of this error message.

10 years ago

Rajeev Rnair wrote:I have appeared OCEJWSD6 exam today and passed with 98% . I have started preparing last year and then couldn't continue because of project dead lines.
Started preparing again for past 2-3 months (with a full time job and family !)

Used the following books:
1. J2EE Web services - Richard, Monson - Haefel (for XML, XSD, SOAP, WSDL etc)
2. Java web services up and running - Martin Kalin (JAX-WS, SOAP)
3. REST ful Java Web services - Jose Sandoval (JAX-RS, REST, Jersey etc)
4. Ivan Kristan notes (SCJWSD5) (covered everything except for UDDI and JAXR)
5. Mikalai Zaikin notes (both SCJWSD5 and OCEJWSD6) (covered everything except for UDDI and JAXR)
6. Oracle J2EE 6 documentation
7. WS-I Basic Profile documentation
8. Refreshed my notes on Servlets, EJB 3.1 etc

Hello Rajeev, Can you please let me knwo what are the chapters you studided from Webservices up and running and Restful webservices books.

Also what is the server setup we need to have to start sworking on examples.

10 years ago

Himai Minh wrote:The references I listed in the previous posts are the major references.
Sometimes, I need to google for more information.

Also, I heard EPractice Lab in the previous version gave reader some wrong answers. But the latest version is better as I was told. I will buy one later.

Hey Himai,

Can you please tell what are the chapters we need to study from Web Services up and running, also what is the server setup we need to have on our machine for working on these examples.

Himai Minh wrote:I am in the same situation as you....struggling for the exam with no official study guide.
I listed a list of books as references because I read the posts. Everyone says RMH's book, Java Web Services Up and Running , MZ and Ivan's notes are helpful.
I am trying to read these books and skip the chapters that are not needed for the exam.

Hello Himai,

From one of your earlier post i got to know the chapters we need to refer in RMHs J2EE Webservices are.
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 13- 14
Chapter 20-23

Can you please tell me what are the chapters that we need to refer in Webservices up and running and from book RESTful webservices book.

Also what is the server/software we need to have to start preparing , since SCWCD was the last exam i wrote Tomcat was sufficient for that.

Hello Amit,

Did you find the solution for this problem
10 years ago

Sujeeth Pakala wrote:Hello Pankaj,

I am currently reading the book : Java Web Services Up and Running.

It gives you detailed knowledge on JAX-WS (SOAP Based Webservices) and JAX-RS (RESTful web services). Definitely this book is not enough, but gives you insight in JAX-WS and JAX-RS.

This book lacks detailed explaination on following sections :

1. JAX-WS clients.
2. Servlet and EJB based SOAP web services.
3. WS-Security (SSL, Message level security)
4. WS-Addressing

Though the book has high level overview on few of above sections.

I am preparing for Web services certification as well. I will keep posted my experience here.

Good Luck.

Sujeeth Pakala

Hello Sujeeth,

How is your prep coming up, can you please list out the books/materials you are studying for exam, i am planning to prepare for EE6 version of the exam.

Himai Minh wrote:As suggested by a rancher,
these are the chapters in RMH's book to prepare for exam ( version 6):
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 13- 14
Chapter 20-23

Go to www.examclouds.com as suggested by this exam's FAQ link.
There is a free mock exam based on Martin Kalin and RMH's books.

Hello Himai,

Will the above Chapters comeplete all the objectives of the exam or are you telling that along with other references we have to study this as well.Please help me with the list of any other study material which you would suggest for exam.Please note that i am starting to lear Web services from scrath .I have completed SCJP and SCWCD earlier.
I actually bought epractze labs for SCBCD some time back and found it very difficult to follow . I am at a begginer level and needed some more details.
Can someone please tell me what would be good books to start preparing for Web services developer exam for a biginner.
Hello Everyone, i have comepleted SCJP and SCWCD certifications and looking to take up Web services developer exam, can someone please guide me if i need to take up the one bsaed on EE5 or EE6, also plese let me know of any good books/reference guides for the same.

Thanks a lot for all your response Frits i will start my prep work
Yes, you can choose:
EE6 EJB: 1Z0-895
EE5 EJB: 1Z0-860

Note that 1Z0-860 also contains JPA whereas 1Z0-895 doesn't (because there is a separate exam for it: 1Z0-898)

Thanks so much for your response Frits, i am closer to making a decision on the study material now, so if i am going to take the exam EE6 EJB: 1Z0-895 , i should be looking at books which talk about EJB 3.1 and if i am taking 1Z0-860, i should be refering to EJB 3.0, am i correct?
Thanks for the response Frits, is there an option to choose between exam version 5 and 6 , looks like 5 is using 3.0 wheras 6 is using 3.1.