Rashmi Liyan

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since Aug 16, 2009
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Recent posts by Rashmi Liyan

Lukas Smith wrote:It is OK to write return in try{}catch{}finally{} block. We can write return; (when a function is declared as void) or return typeValue; (when a function is declared as not void).

Hi Lukas,
can you exlain this little bit. I didn't get it.

Hi Ankit,
thanks . I got it.

Can someone explain the out put given by the


it gives '...Bridge$Suits;@1372a1a' as output.

What's this ?

Hi Sebastian.
Does it means that Draw method in super class 'Shape' can see the
Draw method implementation in Roundshape class (Since Roundshape is also loaded ) when the Shape constructor runs?.
Which means when a Super class constructor runs , sub class's constructor is also loaded and super class constructor has access to sub class's members. Is it correct , if I say like that.

Hi Sebastian,
thanks for your explanation.
Yes I understand that radius gets zero since subclass is not intialised when super constructor runs.
question here is when Shape super constructor runs does it see the 'draw' method implementation which is in class RoundShape. How could you explain that?

Hi Guys,
I have a question about the output of below code.

Output comes as

Shape() before draw()
RoundShape.draw(), radius = 0
Shape() after draw()
RoundShape.RoundShape(), radius = 5

How do you get the output line 2 (RoundShape.draw(), radius = 0).
First code runs super constructor which is 'Shape'. Inside it draw method ( #1)
is called, but it is abstract when Shape is created. This is confusing.
Can someon explain this ?

Hi Guys,
Thanks for these explanations.
It is clear now.

Thanks for your replies. Still there is somethig which I dont understand.
I understand that Cat class has override toString method.
When Cat class is created it calls Super constructor , which is Animal.
To my understanding Animal Constructor is only

Am I wrong? All it does it assigning the type.

So how does the 'toString' method gets activated?
Please explain

Hi Guys ,
I have a problem with following code and output.

When you run above you get the output as follows

Your choice: This is a A
Woof Woof

Your choice: This is a Cat
It's C the D

Problem here is how do we get he 'It's C the D' line in the output. It seems it is coming from Constructors.
But in Cat class 'toString' method is not inside the constructor.
can some one explian this?
