Arek Sokolowski

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since Jan 12, 2011
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Recent posts by Arek Sokolowski

Use Enum as event type; then you can use switch-case instead of if-else construction.
Of course, you will have to rebuild your data format; List<String> will be not enoug any more. Use your own class instead.
13 years ago
And one more thing - main() method have to be located in public class. Otherwise it will not be launched.

So in this case, RunProt should be public class, and ProTest non-public one; file should be named ''.
13 years ago
Yes, this is 'standard case in java'.
I'll skip details, I'm sure you will explore it some day, if you will make more java.

If you are sure which classes are required by your project, and if these classes are not using any other classes from mentioned jar file - you can copy them to your project, change the package (or not) and use them.
Of course only if the used library licence allows you to do that!
13 years ago

Any ideas as to what i am doing wrong?


First, try to reduce your problem: obfuscate single file, then - small jar, and then - war file.
Second, post here more detailed info: how your file looks, what is your obfuscation config, what is your proguard version, etc.
Maybe then someone will be able to help.

But first - look at first point and try to solve your problem by reduction. It works in 99% cases.

Good luck!
13 years ago
See also this piece of javadoc:
'The first character to be copied is at index srcBegin; the last character to be copied is at index srcEnd-1 (thus the total number of characters to be copied is srcEnd-srcBegin)'

In your case, 9-2=7; index srcEnd-1 gives 8, so this is your last index.
13 years ago
I have no idea, what is wrong in you case, and I do not want to go through your very long batches.

Instead, I can propose you a general approach to problem like this.

First of all, make your problem smaller.
Write one, simple class which will use only TelnetClinet class. Put your class in the same directory, as jar with TelnetClient, and write a batch file to run it.
If it works - try extend this small code, step by step, up to working target application.
If it does not work (it does not happen ) - check your java-related envinroment variables (CLASSPATH especially)...
No, i do not belive, that it will not work
Describe your problem here again, if the simpliest case fails.
Have fun looking for problem!
13 years ago
Hi, your key is an Object, and value - ArrayLists - contains also Objects. Object does not have 'name' or 'contactname' properties (getters)
Try to declare HashMap like this:
Such code declares a HashMap, where keys are 'Person' class objects, and values are ArrayList object, and each element in this list is also a Person class object.

I'm not sure if it will work with JSP, but it is ok for plain java.
13 years ago
'Structural modification' is a modification, which changes set (or order) of objects in the Vector.
These are all methods from add*, remove* and set* families.
In another words: it is any modification, which modifies content of Iterator.

Note, that objects within the Vector may be mutable; their inner state modifiction is not a structural modification - in fact, it does not have anything with Vector.
13 years ago