Ashish Kataria

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since Aug 06, 2011
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Recent posts by Ashish Kataria

Thank you Seetharaman Venkatasamy for your valuable time, but you might consider giving out some facts rather than putting it in humour(or wit). It might work in some cases, but this clearly did not resolve the issue. But thanks again.
12 years ago
Thank you Tim Holloway for sharing this with me. Definitely gave me a clearer picture.
12 years ago
My questions are pretty straight i hope there's no confusion. There are separate questions for my separate confusions, so please answer accordingly.
1. why did we stop using scriplets?
JSPs were easier to code earlier(my personal opinion).
2. When did JSTL took over?
3. When should we prefer scriplets over JSTL?

thanks in advance..
12 years ago

Vijitha Kumara wrote:
Where did you get this? And this compilation has nothing to do with the question here.

I am sorry for that weird reply. But i thought sendRedirect was used in a JSP.
And i did not know that JSPs were also compiled only once(after change). Thank you for sorting it out for me..
12 years ago
I too believe that code after SendRedirect will never run(although it will compile).
The reason being that every jsp page is compiled every time that page's url is hit.
So, it might seem it will be considered like any other java code, the method SendRedirect will never ever return to the same page.
12 years ago
The problem lies in not to check if each entry has been changed, but rather, in adding a record for each changed record. If the comparison is not done properly, you might end up in adding records for attribute whose values haven't changed(which is a major back end bug).
And as explained by the marshal..this is the first thing that comes to mind.
I would suggest you to go with the tried and tested traditional way.
12 years ago
Dear prashant chindhade,

Thank you again for your feedback..
My code was already un-commented but this part was missing..

<user name="admin" password="admin" roles="admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script,admin" />

You have saved me a ton of work..thank you again!
12 years ago
Dear prashant chindhade,

thank you for your kind advice..
I tried the the Tomcat Manager, it asked me for my username and password.
As mentioned in the tomcat-users.xml, I tried both the users, but it showed this error

HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied


type Status report

message Access to the requested resource has been denied

description Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested resource has been denied) has been forbidden.


Apache Tomcat/5.5.33

Please help me out..
12 years ago
Hi guys,

I am developing an Java Web Application. We all know we have to do several changes in the class/servlet at times.
Everytime i make any change to my Class/Servlet, i have to restart my Tomcat server.
So, is there any way i can reload the class automatically on every SAVED change?

PS:In Netbeans IDE, i would never face such problem, but I don't use that anymore.

12 years ago
Dear Bear Bibeault,

Thank you so much for your reply. I resolved the problem, you were right..there was an error in my server side code. I had forgotten to set any value to my checkbox and that was the problem.

I guess it's just one of those days when we are "Super Stupid", and that's exactly what happened
12 years ago
Hi guys,

I have a problem..
I have a form.jsp which lists some records from a database. The user can select N number of records by selecting the corresponding check box and Submit. Every checkbox has the row id as its value.
A Servlet receives these values and processes ONLY the selected ones.

Now, if i use request.getParameter("inputfieldname"), it will accept only one value.
So I am using request.getParameterValues("inputfieldname") and storing them into an array, but it is showing all rows on displaying the array.
I want to process only the selected ones

Please help me in this regard..
Thanks in advance

12 years ago
I wish i could've helped you out earlier, but now that the problem is resolved, i would advice you not to get into the details of the problem now.
But if you are still curious, whatever i could figure out from all your given information.. the problem must be compatibility between jdk and netbeans. It is advised that you download and install the jdk+netbeans+apache pack from
Another reason could be that jdk was already installed on your system and you installed netbeans+jdk pack.
@Ank rai, you are probably correct. I think the problem is in the configuration of the server.
Things you could check for:

1. There is no other instance of Apache Tomcat Server running
2. Your Environment/System variables are set correctly depending upon your OS.

Best of luck