Luke Wang

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since Jan 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Luke Wang

I have JWeb+ mock exam(full set). It is very good( passed exam with 89%). I want to exchange XML mock (jwhiz) exam with it. pls contact me at if you are interested(off-line)?
I fiiled out some form and sent back to Sun. I got ID/passwd for logo. My question is what/how we can do with logo?
I know a little bit about XML. I just passed SCPJP
with 91%. I wanted to go next certification. XML may be one choice for me. I wanted to switch my next career to Web staff even though I am working with 3 tier Client/Server application,like Tuxedo, VB. I dont have any working experience with XML and Java. Can someone tell me some info like, what is advantage for taking XML, how hard is it, where am I starting, such,...
thanks in advance!
I passed exam with 91% on 2-16. I have been an observer of javaranch for a couple of months. I got a lot of knowledge from you, javaranchers. I wanted to say thanks to every one who are raising questions, answering,.... here are some tips I wanted to share with some oncoming examer:
1> jotting down some notes. For example, Byte b=new Byte(10)(wrong), Byte b=new Byte((byte)10)(right). byte b=-10(ok); byte b1=-b (then wrong);
2> going through API. do you know there are 3 consts for Float and 2 consts for Double?
3> coding and practicing.
4> doing mock exams. be careful! you need to run some questions because of some errs in some exams.
5> browsing topics in this forum.
6> having a couple of books. I like Beginning Java 2 (Ivor Horton ) and rhe(the Complete Java 2 certificate).
7> thanks for javarancher
22 years ago
just try below code

synchronized(this.t){ //sync block(2)
System.out.println("entering but why not notifying??");