Erik Dark

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 28, 2002
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Recent posts by Erik Dark

I get the following message when deploying an application:
There was a deployment remoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
*java.rmi.RemoteException: Error while loading JAR C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\repository\comp\applications\Library1051453048312Server.jar;nested exception
*javax.naming.InvalidNameException: JNDI name 'jdbc/LibraryDB' for resource reference 'jdbc/LibraryDB' is not valid

Can anyone give me a clue what's wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Erik Dark

What on earth makes you think that your country should have any say about US national security?

US national security? If its about that not through our lawn!!

They have no interest in seeing Hussein removed from power...

Sure they want SH being removed, even by force, AFTER everything else is being tried!
21 years ago
Adobe PostScript Interpreted (text/graphics).
opens with Notepad and Ghostview.
HTH, ErikDark
21 years ago
I finished the CIW Enterprise Developer track (including SCJP) early this year and got hired as a CIW instructor. Nice. But CIW doesn't bring what was expected so my employer asked me to make a study plan to broaden my (internet related) skills.
My question is, which way to go? What's hot? Should I go further on Java (SCJD?) or migrate to (brr!!!) to .NET? Or does anyone see any other oppertunities?
Hope to get some independent adveice!
TIA, Erik Dark
The only Perl certification in Perl I know is part of the CIW Weblanguages course (available through all VUE/Prometric testing centres thus also in India?). Information at
GoodLuck, ErikDark
"=~" is used for pattern matching/substitution,
"@::", ....strange syntax. "@" for arrays, "::" for symbol tables of imported modules, but the combination of both?
HTH, ErikDark
21 years ago

The song is a commentary on modern parenting.

What a cruel world to call this lyric modern...
Erik Dark
22 years ago

That's a good start, being aware of his own errors

Valentin, could you explain why you see using IE as an error?
22 years ago
More hosts possible ?!
22 years ago
I use Internet Explorer 6.0 but am not sure why!
Erik Dark
22 years ago
I just finished the CIW Enterprise Developer track. Which includes SCJP and topics like OOA&D, JDBC, EJB and DOC using CORBA.
Two parts (SCJP and OOA&D) also count towards jCert.
Erik Dark
[ March 15, 2002: Message edited by: Erik Dark ]
Finally passed SCJP this afternoon, 63% (Sun says 62% but 37/59 makes 63% to me!)
First encounter with Java (or any full blown language at all) was September last year but had to do some other exams (basic EJB, CORBA, JDBC OOA&D) in the mean while. The real focus on Java was for the last 2 months. (note: since I discovered JR!)
Now comes pay back time (this all got me a job!) and (most important!) the opportunity to really learn Java. I know this might not be the prescribed road according to some around here but financial reasons forced me to do it this way. The cert doesn't make you get rid off me!
Thanks JR and all who make it a very valuable resource!
Erik Dark (SCJP!!!)
22 years ago