rizwana mujawar

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since Feb 24, 2012
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Recent posts by rizwana mujawar

Today iam not having some logical confusion.Actually i was going through some logo designs & the question just jumped into my mind. The standard java logo by oracle i.e. a coffee mug with java written to its side.Is it ok if anyone writes some java notes & fix that logo to its side...? or is it illegal?
Do i need to memorize all the methods from API or the knowledge about method given in SCJP book by kathy sierra and bert bates is more than enough to clear SCJP exam.
Iam preparing for SCJP.. Java has a very rich API and its impossilble to know all in-built methods... But methods in given in book by Kathy & bert are enough for SCJP exam or should i learn some more...
Got it.. Spelling mistake in Calendar... Thanks to all...
11 years ago

fred rosenberger wrote:Where did you import the proper package for the "Calender" class? I only see you importing the "java.util.*" package, which has no class by that name.

java.util.Calender is a utililyty class. When i say java.util.*; iam trying to import all the classes in java.util. package...
Iam still unable to debug it.. Can anyone help...!
11 years ago

Tumelo Labase wrote:Please note, spelling is very important in programming.

Please be little wise to correct the spelling I have mistaken... Thanks!
11 years ago

11 years ago
Read SCJP book by kathy sieerra and bert bates... Dont sit with 2 books.. You will just end up in the well of confusion... Even iam preparing for SCJP and now left out with one chapter... After reading each chapter from kathy sierra book try to code. Read 2nd chapter and code the concepts using 1st and 2nd... Like that you will get confident about flow of control.. In short first read and then code & then give mocks..

The output should be:

Before : Radhika 28
After : Radhika 28
But after the first output InvalidClassCastException is thrown.... How to handle this?

11 years ago
The author says "When an instance of a serialized class is deserialized,the constructor does not run and instance variables are not given their initially assigned values"...
Can someone help me understand this lines by giving some example...
11 years ago

There are no chapter wise mocks for SCJP exam... The mocks are usually bundled. There is a set for first 5 chapter if you ae refrerring kathy sierra & bert bates. And then a set for next 5 chapter. Mostly questions will be from all topics... To add more 20 days preparation is not enough to score good in SCJP exam.Try to read the book completely and program some code and then give mocks... Iam prepararing from past 2 months & still feel like i should revise more... There are plenty of mocks available on this site itself...
11 years ago
Please correct me if iam wrong....
All Static members i.e,methods & variables are compiled and run by the compiler itself as soon as the class is loaded by the compiler....
12 years ago

They are saying.."The benefits of having overloaded constructor is that it offers flexible ways to create objects from your class.The benefits of having one constructor invoke another overloaded constructor is to avoid code duplication. (Iam not getting from here onward..). In Jaanwar example there wasnt any code other than setting name,but imagine after line 4 there was still more work to be done in the constructor. By putting all the other constructor work in just one constructor, and then having the other constructor invoke it,you dont have to write and maintain multiple versions of that other important constructor code.Basically each of the other not the real one overloaded constructor will call another overloaded constructor,passing it whatever data it needs."
12 years ago