Niraj Jha

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 20, 2013
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Spring Tomcat Server Java
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Recent posts by Niraj Jha

Your Welcome.
Just minimize the command prompt until you want to use the server.
You need to start the server using batch file available in same bin directory.
As @Ulf said why don't you check System class source code , there you get to know how out is initialized.
10 years ago
Rethrows is in terms of throwing exception again from catch block.
We generally use it when we are not sure how it should be handled that's why we throw it agian and facilitate client to handle it.
10 years ago
ActionListener is an interface containing one method actionPerformed(...).
We generally implements ActionListener and override actionPerformed(...) method.
10 years ago
Have you checked input.html page ?
10 years ago
Right click on project, there is option run configuration there check the setting.
Why don't you make a fresh dynamic project and then try to run it on server just to make sure whether server instance is correctly added or not.
You have to remove google plugin related file and folder manually, then only it will start.
Avoid using hard coded constant value, better to externalize in properties file.
10 years ago
Why do you use arraylist?
10 years ago

Aayush Singhal wrote:
but there's another table userHasBusinessRoles which is not showing any rows for the given username.

Is that causing the issue...

This might be the issue check the same table where user have the access and use same credentials.
Although It should work but what security implementation is there I am not sure about it.
If it is possible then check the security implementation.
onClick() call a function and there set your action as another page.
Could you please verify if the user have roles?
Because of this you are not able to instantiate remote object.