Jennifer Mitchell

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There is no compulsory training needed for ocajp7 exam, if you have a good knowledge in java basics then you can go for this exam.

see the exam objective from Oracle site.

You can register your exam also from this site too.

i tell you one sugession from my experience, if you have good knowledge in java basics then before appear for your exam you may assess your knowledge level with sample mock exam simulators.

More details about ocajp 7 exam preparation read this article.

Priyamvada Sharma wrote:Hi,
I want to prepare for SCJP 1.6.. Can you guide me regarding the same. Because the books available in the market is for SCJP(310-065).But I read some where
that the exam id is now changed to 1z0-851. And also the syllabus has been changed.(New syllabus doesn’t have thread interaction and serialization, which is present in the book). So can you please let me know how can i prepare for the same..which book should I refer and all.
Thanks for the help

hello Priyamvada Sharma,

If you decided to go for SCJP 6 certification then SCJP 6 Certification Training Lab is available for your preparation. It will helps you to achieve high score in your exam.

If you go for the higher version (OCPJP7) means before appearing OCPJP 7 exam you need to finish OCAJP 7 exam. Choose the right Java Certification Path, good luck for your preparation.

Afsheen Sharief wrote:Hello everyone,
I just heard from a couple of people that SCJP really makes your resume stand out.
So I decided to go for this.
So, how do i get started?
Here's a background of who I'm - I'm a student doing master's in computer science and I do not really have any experience working on Java other than academic learning.
So I shall be really glad if I can be guided through this.

hey Afsheen Sharief

welcome to Java,

If you are going to take SCJP 6 then you can try K&B's book for basics.

For mock exam, from my own experience epractize labs SCJP 6 training kit s best.

K&B's book available in amazon and the training kit is available in the following page

GeekParitosh Chandorkar wrote:Hello All,

Which books or links should I refer to to study about the following sections:

1)Business Tier technologies
2)Applicability of Java EE Technology

Please let me know at the earliest.

Thanks and regards,
Paritosh Chandorkar

GeekParitosh Chandorkar, I used Marc Cade book and it is good for knowing basic concepts. It may not cover deep knowledge about Java EE applicability, but it is good to know the basics. The training guide from epracticelabs also covers these chapters in high level. There are some real-time scenario examples available in this product to understand better.

Rohit W. Tawde wrote:I have SCJP 5 certification. I want to appear for OCPJP 7 upgrade exam.
Please tell me which book should i refer for it.
I have the SCJP 5 study guide - Kathy & Bert book with me.

There will not any special book for only upgrade exam, however you can find separate training lab from epractize.