Jeremy Squiers

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since Apr 03, 2002
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Put simply, the locking is used if you want to read a record, modify it (like take 1 away from the number of seats) and update it, all without another person modifying that record during that time. The synchronized methods will prevent two people from updating at the same time, but the locking will let you perform several operations on the record without it being changed by someone else and messing up your calculation.
[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: Jeremy Squiers ]
Here is something for anyone who is going to be uploading: If it says you do not have permission to upload, call the 1-800 number for Sun educational services during business hours. I called them the next morning and they were able to give me permission and I was able to upload while I was still on the phone with them. Sending an email will probably take much longer.
Thanks Bal,
I feel a bit better. I was hoping that I could go to sleep tonight knowing that the project I poured my heart and soul into for the past month was safely sitting on Sun's server. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to get my closure.
I have my exam tomorrow and when I go to upload my assignment, it says I do not have permission to upload that assignment. I sent an email to the address listed, but have not heard back. Anyone have any suggestions or contacts? I don't want to lose all that money because of this.