vishal saha

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 27, 2013
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Recent posts by vishal saha

fred rosenberger wrote:
I now have a house, a wife, and a child. I'm the primary provider for the family.

i like you, i also primary atm machine to myself . enjoy your life .

but one thing : i dont have any experience to advice you .. so, going for my bed
10 years ago

fred rosenberger wrote:What browser? What OS?

one of the trade of[downside] specification . in your terminology rfc e.e.e.x

edit - may be mechanism over policy would be better in this context.
10 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:I do. It's my "I don't care if I get spammed here" e-mail address.

I would like to learn lot of *I dont care* from Bear. i dont know he teach me or not, but i will learn .
10 years ago
last week I am not even able to log-in for some time
10 years ago
even i/this guy have plan . but *this all lower case* has good and excellent credit on me
10 years ago

Prashant P Patil Ppp wrote:there is confusion is to which java technology i prefer to develop a web project and which framework prefer to faster development?

start quickly with which framework you know.hope you know what is called as frame work . if you dont know any frame work and you want quick development know jsp and servlet just prepare some if it meets your goal then name it
10 years ago
1.CharSequence c = new String();
2.CharSequence[] ca = new String[0];
3.List<CharSequence> aList = new ArrayList<String>();

in short, generic designed to be an invariant idiom(here it is 3rd sequence), this holds advantage and of course disadvantages .