Tarik Aazizi

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since Nov 14, 2014
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Recent posts by Tarik Aazizi

Congratulations @Himai and thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks @iuliana for your clarifications
4 years ago
I'm preparing for the certification exam basing on many other ressources combined, but I was wondering if your book is really sufficient and I will not need any other ressource?

Is it an official book from Spring, and therefore there will not be questions on the exam that aren't mentionned in the book?

4 years ago
I don't know if its a good question or if we can really compare both, but I was wondering if Microservices use the same Architecture as SOA or there are some differences?
5 years ago
Even if my answer is too late, but it may help someone else. From the Java EE tutoriel:

Your onMessage method should handle all exceptions. It must not throw checked exceptions, and throwing a RuntimeException is considered a programming error.

@Frits, that's a good point.

However, I think that it exposes a "No-Interface View" according to the definition of the annotation, in the JavaEE 6 docs it sais that @LocalBean:

Designates that a session bean exposes a no-interface view.

Also, in the JavaEE 7 docs it sais that @LocalBean:

Designates that a session bean exposes a no-interface view.

This annotation is required if a session bean exposes any other client views (local, remote, no-interface, 2.x Remote Home, 2.x Local Home, Web Service) in addition to the no-interface view or its implements clause contains an interface other than java.io.Serializable; java.io.Externalizable; or any of the interfaces defined by the javax.ejb package.

This annotation is optional if a session bean exposes only a no-interface view.

I think its the "its implements clause contains an interface other than" which makes the difference regarding the specs, and make our Bean in that case exposing a No-Interface view.

@Foster, Thanks for the logs and your explanations. Meanwhile I know what is No-Interface as I am willing to pass the OCE EJB exam (you can wish me a good luck by the way ).
Thanks Frits for your reply, So this means that in this case IBean will not be a Local business interface (as it expose a No-Interface view)? could you please confirm ?

By the way, Thanks a lot for your notes
Thanks Foster for your reply,

I agree that I implement only one interface, but as I know the no-interface view is considered as local view, so annotating the bean with @LocalBean will not prevent from applying that rule?

Another quick question, what do you mean by looking at logs? can we see JNDI names without configuring that in the logs?


Could you please tell me if the interface IBEAN in that case is considered as a local business view or not?

I looked a lot for that in the EJB 3.1 specs, could you also specify the source of information if there is any.

Thanks in advance
Hi Admin,

I have posted the same message in many topics as related to the JSF certification , as I wanted to get some replies from someone who already passed the exam. But now when taking a look to that, it seems to be very ugly to have all those messages in all JSF cert topics from the same user.

So, I appologize for bothering you with that, but if you could delete all my last posts that will be great (or at least leaving only one of them).

Thanks in advance
9 years ago
Hi Luis,

Thanks for your feedback, I will pass the exam this week, So is there any other tips ?

And also, could you compare the level of defficulty in the exam questions with JSF questions in coderanch or stackoverflow?

Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,

Congratulations for everyone who already got the certification.

I will pass the exam this week, So could anyone give any tips ?

And also, could you compare the level of defficulty in the exam questions with JSF questions in coderanch or stackoverflow?

Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,

Congratulations for everyone who already got the certification.

I will pass the exam this week, So could anyone give any tips ?

And also, could you compare the level of defficulty in the exam questions with JSF questions in coderanch or stackoverflow?

Thanks in advance
Hi Cosmin,

I will pass the exam this week, any other tips ?

And also, could you compare the level of deficulty in the exam questions with JSF questions in coderanch or stackoverflow?

Thanks in advance