Ike Aragon

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since Nov 18, 2015
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Recent posts by Ike Aragon

Hello fellow ranchers ,

Just want to share my good news with you all .
I passed exam IZ0-810 last Sunday with score of 88.
I want to share few detail on my preparation as below:
books :
there is no specific book for 810 exam , so I just used the cop exam book to view related topics
videos :
you tube has tons of videos about stream and other good java 8 stuff
tests :
Enthuware is a must of course , it has only 3 set of tests though because of less topics involved in upgrade exam.
Mikalai Zaikins summary of the objectives and test were also helpful

I was fully loaded before exam and hoping for 95 as minimum , I guess tricked by few topics
Overall , its been a great experience learning the power of java 8 . I cant wait to apply it in action !!

I hope this is helpful.

Have a great day everyone

Hi Guys,

This is my first post here actually.
I am so happy to share with you all that I took the OCP Java SE 7 exam today and passed with 88% .
I prepared the exam for about 3 month after work (when I get a break from watching my new born:) )  
I passed my OCA last year about same time .

Just want to share few things about my preparation :
Books :
OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804) (Certification Press)
OCP Java SE 7 Programmer II Certification Guide: Prepare for the 1ZO-804 exam 1st Edition
by Mala Gupta  (Author)

Exam software I used and my opinion :
The exam software that came with the book of Oracle Press    : Hard and good questions from Oracle
Enthuware Java SE7  :  tons of questions to practice which I used a lot and hey it's only 10 bucks :)
Kaplan selftest Software :  overpriced for the value , returned.
My Exam Cloud : use it only which you are studying , not close to real exam complexity

Passing exam getting certification is of course the best result,
However , What I really enjoyed was the process of getting ready for exam, learning all the details in much deeper sense, It was such a pleasure (of course painful sometimes) along the way learning the language I have passion about even though my job does not require me to do so.
I will come back next year with my JAVA 8 score  : )

I wish you all success ,I wish you all pass the exam, and earn the certification you deserve for your hard work.

Have a great end of the year!

7 years ago