Junaid Mahmud

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 24, 2016
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it gives an error that says add cast to int. the problem that im having is that output does not show decimals. for an example look at the last set of numbers why is it only $2.0? why not not the decimal??

Enter the price for each item: 1.12
Enter the price for each item: 2.36
Enter the price for each item: 3.25
Enter the price for each item: 4.25
Enter the price for each item: 7.36
Enter the price for each item: 9.99
Enter the price for each item: 8.49
Enter the price for each item: 1.35
Enter the price for each item: 1.26
Enter the price for each item: 3.45

Enter the amount for each item: 2
Enter the amount for each item: 3
Enter the amount for each item: 4
Enter the amount for each item: 1
Enter the amount for each item: 5
Enter the amount for each item: 6
Enter the amount for each item: 8
Enter the amount for each item: 3
Enter the amount for each item: 4
Enter the amount for each item: 5

The total for each item is: $2.0
The total for each item is: $6.0
The total for each item is: $12.0
The total for each item is: $4.0
The total for each item is: $35.0
The total for each item is: $54.0
The total for each item is: $64.0
The total for each item is: $3.0
The total for each item is: $4.0
The total for each item is: $15.0

6 years ago
The output for some reason is not resulting in a double? If i remove the int it gives an error.

6 years ago
I dont understand what you are trying to say
6 years ago
I am supposed to output the total (price * amount) for some reason it does not output. I tried using a for loop and that didnt work either

6 years ago
please help I am having serious trouble.

7 years ago
okay so for the first for loop the average pay is 7.50 per hour (40 hours a week) the second loop has the pay only to $32 a day for 4 weeks. the third loop has the initial pay increased by 0.2 % and its supposed to be doubled every two weeks.
7 years ago
Hey! I have a question on how to use time in java such as calculate the days months and years for a program. I have to find the time it takes for someone to become a millionaire. Thats really the only problem i am having

7 years ago
I am in the processes of constructing a hangman game in java where one player types in the word and the other has to guess letters. The current problem I am facing with is when I type in a character, it outputs the list of characters in the array. I am trying where it only prints out one character depending on the user. Thanks

7 years ago
I have figured it out. Thanks for all the help though!
7 years ago
Oh sorry that is the outdated code. The new code is below and the problems I am having is that I need help on calculating the wall space and floor space. The reason is because it is calculated based on the amount of doors, windows, and bookshelves that user inputs and their measurements. That is the only thing I have issues on. My professor said I have everything else correct. I hope this makes sense. Thanks!

This is the code I need help on. This code below is from number of doors, windows, and bookshelves that I knew, but know has to be changed where I don't know the number of each and their measurements.

ld - length door

hd - height door

lw - length window

hw - height window

lb - length bookshelf

hb - height bookshelf

wb - width bookshelf

This is the full code. Thanks
7 years ago
I am a little confused
7 years ago
How would I calculate the doorspace and wall space because it depends on the number of doors and windows the user enters as well as the bookshelves. Thanks!

7 years ago
The measurements just have to be in feet, But have I done the program correctly?
7 years ago
Okay Thanks I got it. Here is the code let me know if this is correct. Thanks!

7 years ago
this is the updated code. Thanks

7 years ago