Hansana Jayawardana

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since Dec 18, 2018
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Recent posts by Hansana Jayawardana

I can't edit the question. If you can delete the question I can add with more details. Thank you.
I have an ArrayList that gets data from user input (console), and after getting the values it shows a Chart created using JFreeChart. The problem I have is my LineGraph won't create.

I don't really know how to get the data from my ArrayList and put it in an XYSeries. And also I am new to JFreeChart.

This is my code,

Input Class

Suvat Class

5 years ago
It is a temporary mail generator. I am using HtmlUnit library.

Here is the code for the button. I get this using Inspect Element.

So How can I click this using HtmlUnit and get the generated email address. Can you help me?
5 years ago
Hi Sir, Thanks for your answer sir. But the problem is htmlButton is not clicking. I don't know why. Can you help me to solve that? I really appreciate that.

Daniel Demesmaecker wrote:As I thought:

I think it uses commons.io, but I'm not entirely sure anymore. I takes a list of nodes and uses the default printer to print them.
But it also use Stage which is specific to javaFx, so without modification you won't be able to use it in swing.
If you need anymore explanation on the code, let me know
There's also the javax.print API

5 years ago
Hi, I need to click website button using Java. So I am using HtmlUnit Library. What I need is When I click the button tempmail.ninja generates a temporary email. I need to print that.

Here is my code What I have tried, But it gives me errors. I can't figure them. I am newbie to HtmlUnit. So Can anybody help me? I really appreciate that.
Thanks for your Help.

5 years ago