tanu jana

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since Jun 05, 2003
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Recent posts by tanu jana

i passed my scjp with a score of 85%..m thankful to javaranch .com for the support..thoguh i wud really appreciate if the links that r provided for the mock exams r updated.I had gone thru the scjp certification guide by kathy.In my opinion the java langauge specification was v helpful and if one studies that thouroughly one can get 100%.the effort tht i had put in was around 90 hrs stretched over 2 months.i have been working in java , j2ee and jmf for hte past 2 yrs for tata consultancy sevices india.
thanks again
20 years ago
i just now saw tht the message i had posted just b4 this was really v badly written n tht most of u wudnt even want to read it.neways, do bear with me.btw, hows it decided tht a member is a bartender or a greenhorn or watever?just curious!
wow i neevr knew my message wud genrated such tremendous response.thanks to all of u.well i havent taken my scjp yet.its t'morow n i am damn scared.i've given so many exams thur out my life but have nevr felt this scared.i hope m able to post a 'pass' message t'morrow.