Mahesh Bansal

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 28, 2000
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Recent posts by Mahesh Bansal

Thanks for the prompt responses.
22 years ago
I am developing a site using JSP's and Servlets and wish to place it on the net. It uses Access also. Can any one tell me a place to hoist if possible free.
Mahesh Bansal
22 years ago
Can someone tell me what should the knowledge level in JSP and Servlets. I am reading the book of Oreilly (Jason) and have also most finished. Does the book cover all the topics.
Secondly in JSP I am using Techmedia / Sams is that book enough or do I need to buy some other book.
Or a list of topics which I should know which could help in getting a job. Also a free web hosting place for Java.
Mahesh Bansal
Sun Certified Java Programmer
22 years ago
Dear Saurabh,
Did you get my email. I am very much interested to join the group for developer.
Yes I will be interested. I can be contacted at
Yes Lucy JLS is Java Language Specification.
I do not have the link for Velu Notes but if you do search in the certification study I think you should be able to find it.
23 years ago
Thanks. But Images are certainly not there GridBagLayout is there. but the question is very basic. I do not know about Ranch Hand and Green Horn. I think Javaranch has a policy based on the responses to the queries you give.
You can also refer to velu's notes also. They are almost without error and serve as a purpose of immediate cross reference at times. That saves a lot of timing in compiling your own notes.

23 years ago
Today I passed the SCJP exam with 77%.
The exam is not very tough and not too easy also but it does require a lot of attention and fundamentals to be sound. I had used JQ+ and would recommend the same because at least 4 - 5 questions very also almost similar. I would like to thanks all the ranchers (Tulla Khan, Carol) by providing me support in time of need. I was not using JLS but strongly recommend to everyone because I had read only one chapter and it was simply great. Books do not highlight compilation error and it does them very much.
Thanks to all the ranchers once again.

Mahesh Bansal
23 years ago
Thanks a ton for the advise.
Congrat Shalinder. It is an occassion to celebrate.
How do you compare the exam with the Marcus Green Mock Exam. Could you please give some breakup of the questions topic wise.
23 years ago
what is the nearest integer to -11.2.
And what method of Math class we should use to get the nearest integer value of -11.2.
Thanks in advance.
Mahesh Bansal
Thanks a lot. Actually I have a copy of your notes which I am studying and it was there and I find one or two questions occassionally in the mock exams too. I am appearing for the exam very shortly and last minute advise you can give.
What is the outcome of this discussion. Can we say
a, c and d are the right options.
Are both these covered in the objectives. I saw question on Bitset Marcus Green Mock Exam 1.
Please help
Which of the following will output a random with values only from 1 to 10 ?
1) System.out.println(Math.round(Math.random()*10));
2) System.out.println(Math.round(Math.random()%10));
3) System.out.println(Math.random()*10);
4) None of the above
The answer given is 4 can anyone please explain and what does random number means between 0.0 to 1.0 or beyond also.
