A. Dusi

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Recent posts by A. Dusi

You can have some resetting methods in each managed bean and call each one of them on click of Submit. You should be able to access one managed bean from another. I dont know if this is a good practice, but every property that I have in a managed bean, I also have it in the reset method of the managed bean.
But do consider where the submit button should take to; will it still be showing the data present on these 7 pages?
If this is the case you are better off calling those reset methods while navigating away from these 7 pages(like back to Main Menu or some other unrelated page). As an alternate, you could also call these reset methods at the time of starting the 7 pages workflow.

Note that above methods only reset the properties in the managed bean; the managed bean itself will still be in session.
[ December 02, 2008: Message edited by: A. Dusi ]
15 years ago

This should be
15 years ago
Just a little off topic, but I am curious to know how Gopu is selecting a folder on the browser - is there a JSF component? My application had a requirement to select a folder using a 'Browse' button, but all we have in regular Html is to select a file not a folder. Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
I am just curious but did it work with the managed bean in session scope?
15 years ago
First of all your code does not show that search() is returning any String. I assume that this is not your actual code...
I faced same problem and here are the precautions that I took to fix it:
1. The search call from the commandButton has to go to an action and not actionListener.
2. The search method in the backing bean should not return a "". Instead it should return a String that is set in the navigation rules in your faces-config file(in this case it will be navigated to the same jsp).
3. The backing bean has to be in session scope.

Also I noticed that your datatable implementation and datascroller implementation are not same(h:datatable/t:datascroller). I do not have this kind of mix up.

Let me know if this helped you.
[ December 02, 2008: Message edited by: A. Dusi ]
15 years ago
Shasi, My application set up is exactly like yours and I get that warning message too but only when the first JSF page is requested. My app has been running for almost 2 years with no issues at all other than this warning. I would like to hear from others how they eliminated it.
15 years ago
Hello everyone!

I just started learning web services. I have downloaded Axis 1.4 jars. I made the WSDL with some googling and was able to generate stubs and objects using WSDL2Java.

My problem is in the client. I am supposed to get back an object containing another object which in turn contains an array of strings. I am able to get back only the last string in the client- length of array is getting reduced to only one on client. However I am able to see that the web service is returning more than one string. I am using tcpmon to see the request and response. They are as desired. There are no error messages on the console. Everything seems normal except that I am losing information on the client, which I think is related to Serialization. Can anyone point me to the right direction.

Here is the wsdl types:

I am using document/literal and I need to get back XML in the following way in the soap response:

I am using JDK 1.3.

Thanks for reading my post.
15 years ago
Posting answer to my own question: The HTML code in ALL the tabs must be nested inside <layout:cell> tags.
15 years ago

I am new to struts and struts-layout. I am using struts 1.1 and struts-layout 1.2 on J2EE 1.3/WAS 5.1. My browser is IE7.
I am facing a problem using the layout:tab tag of struts-layout. The last tab does not get rendered properly with the left, right and bottom borders and the background color missing. I tried with a table and with plain simple layout:text in the last tab, but results are same. I tried googling it but not much of a help.

Any help is much appreciated.
15 years ago
I had a similar requirement in my project. I ended up making custom components for selectItem and selectItems. The components take an additional attribute called tooltip which will be displayed as a tooltip. I used JSF in Action by Kito D Mann for reference, but I am sure there is plenty of help available online too.
15 years ago
Can you post your JSP code and your action method.
16 years ago
Can you post some code how you are trying to get the value on page 2?
On page 2, you can see the property by simply doing value = "#{bean.property}". Make sure you have getters and setters for the property.
16 years ago
I meant to say 'value' not 'var'. Try it again now.
16 years ago
You are mixing up JSTL and JSF tags. Not sure if this will work.
One way to do this is to use f:selectItems instead of c:foreach and f:selectItem, but you should create a SelectItem List from your carsList.
Another way if you are using Tomahawk is to use t:selectItems in which case you can directly use carsList. Tomahawk will convert the list to SelectItem list for you. Check out the MyFaces documentation and the wiki page.

16 years ago
Javascript is the best way to do. Or you could use valueChangeListener.
16 years ago