Rajesh Pitty

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since Jan 27, 2005
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Recent posts by Rajesh Pitty

try this in Galileo

right click on your web project -> select properties-> select project facets->select java persistence configure and add Java Persistence API to your project


notice the lock between flower class and plant class
the flower class wont compile until plant class is compiled and vice versa.

so how does the compiler go about this.
16 years ago

visit PreciseJava

to know more about String
16 years ago
navigate to your "src" folder and ,try compliing with this command

javac -classpath . com/example/web/BeerSelect.java

[ March 23, 2007: Message edited by: Rajesh Pitty ]
17 years ago
first compile BeerExpert.java and then compile the servlet
17 years ago
Kumar ,

a webserver handles request of type http,ftp ,https...
if you need a dynamic response , say a list of states in a country
based on the selection of the country , is still possible in a webserver.

Servlets can invoke a POJO(Plain Old Java Object) which has the business logic or a database access logic , so that you will be able to generate a dynamic response.

but if you need transaction to be handled based on your request,
if you need more efficient object pooling ,
then these kind of services is provided by APPLICATION SERVERS
17 years ago
Meghna ,
lets say you have two Webapps Demo1(context url is "/Demo1")
and Demo2("/Demo2")
and each one has one servlet DemoServlet1(in Demo1) and DemoServlet2 (in Demo2)

if you want pass a request from DemoServlet1 to DemoServlet2
try this code
17 years ago
Keith is right.

to add:
you must also override hashCode() .
your two objects t and o will be equal
only if their hashcodes are equal
you can use eclipse with lomboz, that makes perfect for ide for ejb , lomboz may soon release a new version for ejb3.0