Interface RtfElementInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:
RtfBasicElement, RtfExtendedElement
All Known Implementing Classes:
RtfAddableElement, RtfAnchor, RtfAnnotation, RtfBorder, RtfBorderGroup, RtfCell, RtfChapter, RtfChunk, RtfCodePage, RtfColor, RtfColorList, RtfDirectContent, RtfDocument, RtfDocumentHeader, RtfElement, RtfField, RtfFont, RtfFontList, RtfGenerator, RtfHeaderFooter, RtfHeaderFooterGroup, RtfImage, RtfInfoElement, RtfInfoGroup, RtfList, RtfListItem, RtfListLevel, RtfListTable, RtfNewPage, RtfPageNumber, RtfPageSetting, RtfParagraph, RtfParagraphStyle, RtfPhrase, RtfPictureList, RtfProtectionSetting, RtfRow, RtfSection, RtfShape, RtfShapePosition, RtfShapeProperty, RtfStylesheetList, RtfTab, RtfTabGroup, RtfTable, RtfTableOfContents, RtfTOCEntry, RtfTotalPageNumber

public interface RtfElementInterface

The RTF jar depends on the iText jar, but the iText jar may not depend on the RTF jar. This interface offers a temporary solution until we find a more elegant way to solve this.


iText 2.1.7