Interface PdfViewerPreferences

All Known Implementing Classes:
FdfReader, PdfCopy, PdfCopyFields, PdfCopyForms, PdfReader, PdfSmartCopy, PdfStamper, PdfViewerPreferencesImp, PdfWriter

public interface PdfViewerPreferences

Viewer preferences are described in section 3.6.1 and 8.1 of the PDF Reference 1.7 (Table 3.25 on p139-142 and Table 8.1 on p579-581). They are explained in section 13.1 of the book 'iText in Action'. The values of the different preferences were originally stored in class PdfWriter, but they have been moved to this separate interface for reasons of convenience.

Method Summary
 void addViewerPreference(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
          Adds a viewer preference.
 void setViewerPreferences(int preferences)
          Sets the page layout and page mode preferences by ORing one or two of these constants.

Method Detail


void setViewerPreferences(int preferences)
Sets the page layout and page mode preferences by ORing one or two of these constants.

For backward compatibility these values are also supported, but it's better to use method addViewerPreference(key, value) if you want to change the following preferences:

preferences - the viewer preferences
See Also:
addViewerPreference(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfObject)


void addViewerPreference(PdfName key,
                         PdfObject value)
Adds a viewer preference.

iText 2.1.7